
HERE ALONE: Woman Vs. Nature Under The Threat Of Zombies
HERE ALONE: Woman Vs. Nature Under The Threat Of Zombies

Here Alone is a survival story in a zombie apocalypse, but its story struggles to survive against the great zombie films that precede it.

Blood In The Ice Cream: A Deeper Look At The CORNETTO TRILOGY
Blood In The Ice Cream: A Deeper Look At The CORNETTO TRILOGY

The Cornetto Trilogy are not only some of the funniest films this century, but they also convey important themes about life and maturity.

THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS: A Zombie Film With Brains & A Heart
THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS: A Zombie Film With Brains & A Heart

It is easy to see how The Girl With All The Gifts could have been toned down and transformed into a generic YA movie in its cinematic adaptation. In the 2014 best-selling novel, the story is told from the point of view of all five central character. Here, director Colm McCarthy focuses on the titular tween character Melanie, exploring this plague-ravaged world from her point of view.

PSYCHOMANIA: Is This The Greatest Terrible Movie Ever Made?

‘So Bad They’re Good’ movies are a thing now. Movie list websites are awash with them. Troll 2 is often the high-watermark, and it appears that most of these no-budget horrors tend to be of American origin.

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies
PRIDE & PREJUDICE & ZOMBIES: Problematic, Silly, But Fun Nonetheless

I love Pride & Prejudice and I will never tire of its adaptations and interpretations. I also really like zombie films. I am Pride & Prejudice & Zombies’ demographic.

Night of the Comet zombie
Film Inquiry Recommends: Non-Romero Zombie Films

Over at our official Facebook page, we are currently posting daily film recommendations, with each week being a different theme. This is a collection of those recommendations! This week’s theme is focused on zombie films not directed by George A.

MAGGIE: Arnie’s Dramatic Flop

If there is ever a fitting description for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s cinematic persona, then it is this: action film hero. Time and time again, we’ve seen the ex-California Governor’s face adorning several iconic titles, portraying mere mortals (or robots in Terminator’s case) possessing near-superhuman ability, an eye for supersized weapons and a knack for crisp one-liners.

Five Minutes
FIVE MINUTES: Much More Than Just A Short Film

Five Minutes is an interactive short horror film set in a future where the world is overrun with zombies. After being infected, dad John knows he only has five minutes before he turns. But he is loathe to leave his daughter, Mia.

OPEN GRAVE: A Survival Story, Not a Philosophical Journey

Open Grave has been described as a philosophical journey, but it’s just a story about fear and survival that leaves you in the dark for most of it. Review by Tyler Rowe.

Why WORLD WAR Z Is More Nuanced Than You Realized

I’m honestly not much of a horror fan, especially the ghosts I cannot handle (nor the high-pitched violin shrieking and shots that give me heart attacks). Zombies are something else, though. I’m pretty good with the blood and gore and they’re generally not too scary.