women directors

THE FITS: Navigating The Mazes Of Maturity
THE FITS: Navigating The Mazes Of Maturity

Filmed on a micro-budget, Anna Rose Holmer’s The Fits is a stunning debut feature, dealing with powerful themes of identity and gender.

Women And Relationships In Ruba Nadda’s CAIRO TIME

Cairo Time is a romantic drama from 2009 set in Egypt that focuses on different women and their perception about relationships and life.

AFTER FIRE: How Female Veterans Talk About Trauma
AFTER FIRE: How Female Veterans Talk About Trauma

After Fire focuses on a female veteran named Valerie Sullivan, discussing how women in the military deal with trauma after coming home from war.

Beginners Guide: Agnès Varda, Director
Beginners Guide: Agnès Varda, Director

In an industry famously inhospitable to women, Agnès Varda has been quietly and consistently surpassing expectations, for more than five decades. This is our guide to the legendary Godmother of French New Wave cinema.

Seeking Our Story: Leni Riefenstahl & The Responsibility Of Storytellers
Seeking Our Story: Leni Riefenstahl & The Responsibility Of Storytellers

Riefenstahl’s portrayal of the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, Triumph of the Will exemplifies propaganda filmmaking. It is vital to watch Leni Riefenstahl’s work for the Nazis to be reminded of the power of filmmakers, especially in these uncertain days.

Director Activist Maria Giese: Update On Women Directors, The ACLU & The Feds
Director Activist Maria Giese: Update On Women Directors, The ACLU & The Feds

Maria Giese updates us about the Federal EEOC investigation into discrimination against women directors in Hollywood.

Beginner's Guide: Dorothy Arzner, Director
Beginner’s Guide: Dorothy Arzner, Director

Mention the name Dorothy Arzner and even the biggest movie buffs can often respond with blank looks; this guide is an intro into her legacy.

The Love Witch: A Heady Brew

The Love Witch is an aesthetically sophisticated and deeply-layered dramatization of the gender obstacles that we continue to embed in our society.

An Interview With Kirsten Johnson, Director Of CAMERAPERSON
CAMERAPERSON: Matter & Memoir

Cameraperson interweaves many distinct stories brought to the screen by Kirsten Johnson; it is an unwavering work and truly worth your time.

Auld Lang Syne: A Memorable Release Of Built-Up Tension
AULD LANG SYNE: A Memorable Release Of Built-Up Tension

On New Year’s Eve, six friends get together and reflect on their lives, and the bigger issues in the world. Auld Lang Syne is a nice addition to the small collection of films written, directed, and shot by women.

Meet Documentarian Katrina Parks & Discover The Historic Women Of Fhe West
Meet Documentarian Katrina Parks & Discover The Historic Women Of The West

We talked with Katrina Parks about her documentaries about the history of women of the west, and her upcoming film, The Women On The Mother Road.

Prano Bailey-Bond Talks NASTY & Life As A Female Director
Prano Bailey-Bond Talks NASTY & Life As A Female Director

We caught up with successful British horror director Prano Bailey-Bond, chatted about her sort film NASTY and her upcoming projects!

ALL WE HAD: Katie Holmes's Poignant Directorial Debut
ALL WE HAD: Katie Holmes’s Poignant Directorial Debut

All We Had tells the story of a homeless woman and her daughter and their struggles of having to refind a place in the world for themselves.

TONI ERDMANN: 2016's Most Inexplicable Critical Success Story
TONI ERDMANN: 2016’s Most Inexplicable Critical Success Story

There is a story with immense emotional depth within Toni Erdmann, but the movie is so frequently dull, when the moments of comedy arrive they can feel somewhat cynical.

ALMAYER'S FOLLY: A Study In Disappointment
ALMAYER’S FOLLY: A Study In Disappointment

Almayer’s Folly is deeply artistic and clearly rooted in Ackerman’s vision, but unfortunately due to a lack of characterization, it’s hard to sympathize with any of the characters.