Wash Westmoreland

It’s often stated that January and February are the two worst cinematic months of the year, as all of the major new releases are more often than not the terrible movies major studios have just “dumped” there. Yet it could easily be argued that the months leading up to the end of the year (“awards season” or “prestige season”, if you prefer to forget that Hollywood backslapping ceremonies exist) are equally bad. They do usually provide the year’s best movies, yet they also provide the kinds of movies that have been made cynically to get awards.

The Last of Robin Hood is an indie biographical drama movie, recounting life of Erroll Flynn and his relationship with teenage actress Beverly Aadland, who is trying to make it in Hollywood. It was directed by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland. It features Kevin Kline as Erroll Flynn, Dakota Fanning as Beverly Aadland and Susan Sarandon as her mother, Florence Aadland.