In DC, where superheroes feel like gods among men, Gunn brings Superman back down to Earth with his superbly humanistic directing style.
Dune is a fine adaptation that works on the basic levels of storytelling and entertainment that Hollywood builds its backbone on.
The crystal-clear visual spectacle is on full display, making this 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray of Tenet comes highly recommended.
While there are dozens of memorable moments, the way the film makes Batman a genuinely interesting and complex character remains its lasting legacy.
Despite its visual innovations and blockbuster decadence, Tenet finds itself submerged beneath Christopher Nolan’s lofty ambitions.
Just Mercy is a disappointing adaptation of an important real-life story, but it’s filled with great performances. Maria Lattila reviews.
The story of Richard Jewell is a potent one, especially in these media-centric times we live in, where character is everything.
Even with a few decent set-pieces and exceptional acting from the ensemble, The Kitchen is not the adaptation we deserve.