
CLOSE: Extremely Watchable, But Frustratingly Shallow

Close is frustratingly shallow, and in its breakneck pace leaves some of its character development in the dust, while trying to wring every bit of emotion out of its quieter moments.

Lumos: The power and influence of the HARRY POTTER generation
Lumos: The Political Power & Influence Of The HARRY POTTER Generation

A form of political agenda has been present in film since the dawn of cinem, with YA adaptations like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games influencing a new generation.

HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR: The Most Important Film In The French New Wave
HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR: The Most Important Film In The French New Wave

Hiroshima Mon Amour deals with the aftermath of a war, but primarily focuses on two peoples’ romance, which inspired future French New Wave directors.

OVERLORD: Zombies & Nazis & Bombs, Oh My!
OVERLORD: Zombies & Nazis & Bombs, Oh My!

Overlord is exactly what you would want and expect a movie about zombies created by Nazis to be: a deranged, disgusting delight.

OUTLAW KING: Unfocused, Repetitive, But Not Without Ambition
OUTLAW KING: Unfocused, Repetitive, But Not Without Ambition

Outlaw King is ambitious, striving for originality and historical accuracy, but overall fails to bring much to the table in terms of grounding its characters.

Combating Trauma Through Art: Interviews With Jeffrey Wright & Vainuupo Avegalio Of WE ARE NOT DONE YET
Combating Trauma Through Art: Interviews With Jeffrey Wright & Vainuupo Avegalio Of WE ARE NOT DONE YET

We were able to speak with Jeffrey Wright and Vainuupo ‘A.V.’ Avegalio, who are both involved with the documentary We Are Not Done Yet.

WUNDERLAND: Trite War Film Is A Failure On Multiple Fronts
WUNDERLAND: Trite War Film Is A Failure On Multiple Fronts

Although Wunderland purports to be a sincere tribute to a real event, it never finds the time to say or suggest anything about war, courage, or death.

THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD: A Colossal Achievement Of Preserving History Through Film
THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD: A Colossal Achievement Of Preserving History Through Film

They Shall Not Grow Old is a major monument for our memory of the British soldiers who fought in WW1 and an enormous step forward in depicting history through cinema.

BLACK ’47: Surprisingly Enjoyable Historical Epic
BLACK ’47: Surprisingly Enjoyable Historical Epic

Black ’47 isn’t a perfect film – the shaky characterisation prevents the emotional undercurrents from truly picking up speed. Regardless, it’s a fantastically captivating historical epic.

CITY OF JOY: Hope for Congolese Women Lost in a Sea of War
CITY OF JOY: Hope For Congolese Women Lost In A Sea of War

With an unapologetic, feminine roar, City Of Joy takes on a wholly ignored genocide, racism, toxic masculinity and bloodthirsty greed, a rallying cry for survivors of violence and product consumers.

MEMOIR OF WAR: The Agony of Endless Waiting
MEMOIR OF WAR: The Agony Of Endless Waiting

Memoir of War is at its best when focusing on the inner life of its protagonist – but even she can’t prevent it from feeling unnecessarily drawn-out.

THE COOLEST GUY MOVIE EVER: A Look At An Iconic War Film For Super Fans
THE COOLEST GUY MOVIE EVER: A Look At An Iconic War Film For Super Fans

The Coolest Guy Movie Ever looks back at the iconic war film The Great Escape, examining its production and the legacy it still holds today.

Melbourne International Film Festival 2018: The First Weekend Report
Melbourne International Film Festival 2018: The First Weekend Report

In our first Melbourne International Film Festival report, we cover a collection of films, including Columbian crime dramas, a time-bending German war film, and an experimental exercise in young adult race relations.

THE CAPTAIN: Nihilism Rules In Brutal World War II Drama
THE CAPTAIN: Nihilism Rules In Brutal World War II Drama

The Captain is the kind of project that suffers from an identity crisis, never deciding what it wants to say or how seriously it should take itself.

WHILE TIME STANDS STILL: A Positive Psychology Film Review

Elena Miliaresis’ documentary While Time Stands Still tells the story of the hardships of military families – Laurie Agard considers the psychological aspects.