Happy Death Day 2U is like watching a million ideas hit the screen at the same time, progressively moving itself to shakier ground before losing any sense of narrative necessity.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World brings the franchise to a moving conclusion in a way that touches on very relevant themes about animal rights, growing up, and making sacrifices.
Piercing is an absolutely weird, kinky, stylish film that might not be to everyone’s taste; it is guaranteed to thrill some filmgoers and offend some others.
Glass may have been a film nineteen years in the making, but it feels superfluous and incredibly out of touch in a world littered with superhero films.
The Holiday is expertly crafted wish fulfillment of the highest level, exhibiting the very best of what can be gleaned from such an unabashedly feel-good genre.
Mortal Engines clearly understands its source material, which makes for a fantastic first act, but has trouble successfully adapting it, resulting in the rest of the film being lackluster.
If you belong to nearly any demographic, Johnny English Strikes Again will serve as a colossal letdown, and leave you contemplating how Rowan Atkinson could enter such a slump.