Universal Pictures

UNDER THE VOLCANO: Music History in The Most Unassuming of Places
UNDER THE VOLCANO: Music History in The Most Unassuming of Places

Under the Volcano chronicles the life of “Fifth Beatle” Sir George Martin’s secret recording studio in the Caribbean.

OLD: A Sinking Feeling
OLD: A Sinking Feeling

Despite a strong first half, Old, the latest nightmare from M. Night Shyamalan, quickly falls apart in the second half.

ABOUT A BOY Community for a Post-Pandemic World
ABOUT A BOY: Community for a Post-Pandemic World

Looking back on Chris and Paul Weitz’s 2002 comedy About a Boy, one can’t help but find a perfect pandemic watch.

Fast & Furious Is Camp, Actually
Fast & Furious Is Camp, Actually

The Fast & Furious movies are camp in a way we feel in our bones but have been trained by decades of narrow-minded definitions to deny.

Horrific Inquiry: FRANKENSTEIN (1931)
Horrific Inquiry: FRANKENSTEIN (1931)

The Horrific Inguiry column takes a look at the Universal Monster film Frankenstein (1931) and its legacy within film history.

My Campy Slumber Party: Xanadu, Muses, and Disco, Oh My!
My Campy Slumber Party: Xanadu, Muses, and Disco, Oh My!

Critics’ complaints that Xanadu was bland, uninspired, and outright confusing are valid concerns, however, there is no denying how much heart this film has.

VIDEODROME: Its Prescience Still Reaches Beyond The Screen
VIDEODROME: Its Prescience Still Reaches Beyond The Screen

Videodrome’s feverish portrayal of the seductive allure and caustic bite of media indulgence and hyperreality remains to-the-minute.

A Tepid Defence of WATERWORLD, 25 Years On
A Tepid Defence of WATERWORLD, 25 Years On

A notorious box office flop, revisiting Waterworld today reveals a sturdy but middling treasure, as astonishing as it is underwhelming.

Trolls World Tour: A Sufficiently Sugary Snack
TROLLS WORLD TOUR: A Sufficiently Sugary Snack

Trolls World Tour finds a few of the right notes to pluck from its candy-coated guitar that it’s less likely to induce a headache than most manic animated features.

How THE WOLFMAN (2010) Breaks Down The Corrosive Ideology Of Its Predecessor
How THE WOLFMAN (2010) Breaks Down The Corrosive Ideology Of Its Predecessor

Not only does 2010’s The Wolfman show us Sir John Talbot in a new, critical light, it reveals a corrosive ideology underneath a great, genre-defining film.

THE INVISIBLE MAN: An Effective Modernization Of The Classic Monster
THE INVISIBLE MAN: An Effective Modernization Of The Classic Monster

From its opening scene of a mansion overlooking the ocean to its anxiety-inducing conclusion, The Invisible Man brings Universal Monsters to a whole new level.


This week, we take a look at the recent Blu-Ray releases of Godard’s Le Petit Soldat (1963), Jarmusch’ The Limits of Control (2009) and Haynes’ Dark Waters (2019).

The PHOTOGRAPH: Pretty, But Bland
The PHOTOGRAPH: Pretty, But Bland

There are definitely moments in The Photograph that briefly feel like the Valentine’s Day treat it should be. But ultimately, it falls flat.

DOLITTLE: A Dull Attempt At Capturing The Magic Of A Fantastical Story
DOLITTLE: A Dull Attempt At Capturing The Magic Of A Fantastical Story

Dolittle is what happens when you take a story with potential but fail to make it interesting or entertaining.

Video Dispatches: Holiday Gift Edition Vol. 2

In this second holiday edition of Video Dispatches, Shawn Glinis shares a number of great holiday gift ideas for the devoted cinephile.