Critics’ complaints that Xanadu was bland, uninspired, and outright confusing are valid concerns, however, there is no denying how much heart this film has.
Trolls World Tour finds a few of the right notes to pluck from its candy-coated guitar that it’s less likely to induce a headache than most manic animated features.
Not only does 2010’s The Wolfman show us Sir John Talbot in a new, critical light, it reveals a corrosive ideology underneath a great, genre-defining film.
From its opening scene of a mansion overlooking the ocean to its anxiety-inducing conclusion, The Invisible Man brings Universal Monsters to a whole new level.
This week, we take a look at the recent Blu-Ray releases of Godard’s Le Petit Soldat (1963), Jarmusch’ The Limits of Control (2009) and Haynes’ Dark Waters (2019).