United States

TEEN SPIRIT: Familiar Tale Of Rising Talent Stays Sweet
TEEN SPIRIT: Familiar Tale Of Rising Talent Stays Sweet

The story of the underdog will always be a crowd-pleaser. An unknown phoenix yearning to…

IF THE DANCER DANCES: A Fan Tribute To Merce Cunningham
IF THE DANCER DANCES: A Fan Tribute To Merce Cunningham

While it feels a bit unfinished and undercooked, If The Dancer Dances is a great start in unpacking everything that Merce Cunningham represented.

Someone Great: The Comedies Of Heartbreak
SOMEONE GREAT: The Comedies Of Heartbreak

Although it’s not exactly faultless, Someone Great adequately captures themes of lost love and the power of friendship.

BODY AT BRIGHTON ROCK: Over The Top, Laughably Campy, But Undoubtedly Fun
BODY AT BRIGHTON ROCK: Over The Top, Laughably Campy, But Undoubtedly Fun

Despite its many flaws and shortcomings, The Body At Brighton Rock is enjoyable when taken as a cheap comedy with some high tension moments.

FAMILY: Taylor Schilling Gets Her Freak On In Charming Comedy
FAMILY: Taylor Schilling Gets Her Freak On In Charming Comedy

Family doesn’t break new ground in the oddball, unexpected bonding comedy space, but it masters the art with a precise wit and efficiency that keeps it feeling fresh.

NATIVE SON: A Modern Retelling
NATIVE SON: A Modern Retelling

Despite its Green Book-esque premise, Native Son creates a Chicago that draws the audience in with its effortlessly alternative pizzazz.

PENGUINS: Stirring Warmness In Below Freezing Conditions
PENGUINS: Stirring Warmness In Below Freezing Conditions

In a world where penguin movies are multiplying, it’s nice to see a penguin march to the beat of his own drum in Penguins.

MASTER OF DARK SHADOWS: Engaging Tribute to TV Auteur Dan Curtis
MASTER OF DARK SHADOWS: Engaging Tribute To TV Auteur Dan Curtis

Dan Curtis was a fascinating and talented filmmaker, and Master of Dark Shadows helps fill an information void where he’s concerned.

THE SILENCE: A Missed Opportunity For All Involved
THE SILENCE: A Missed Opportunity For All Involved

The Silence is worth a watch because of Stanley Tucci alone, but if you crave a good film, just pick up a copy of A Quiet Place instead.

HELLBOY: A Violent, Trashy Reboot Devoid of Charm
HELLBOY: A Violent, Trashy Reboot Devoid Of Charm

 Hellboy is an unfortunate example of how a R-rated superhero film could go wrong. It’s violent, but to a fault, lacking humor, substance, or a compelling story to go along with it.

SUICIDE: THE RIPPLE EFFECT: A Profound Journey After Suicide Survival
SUICIDE: THE RIPPLE EFFECT: A Profound Journey After Suicide Survival

Aside from a few misleading statements, the Suicide: The Ripple Effect is someone’s personal, real story and the journey of reclaiming his life.

THE BLEEDING EDGE: A Patient's Worst Nightmare
THE BLEEDING EDGE: A Patient’s Worst Nightmare

Netflix documentary The Bleeding Edge explores the issues surrounding the medical advances in providing healthcare.

ROBOTECH: THE MOVIE: When Cannon Tried Anime
ROBOTECH: THE MOVIE: When Cannon Tried Anime

Cannon Films attempted to get into the animation market in 1986 – and the result was a hated film that remains out of print to this day.

THE GARDEN LEFT BEHIND: A Timely and Vital Look You Need to See
THE GARDEN LEFT BEHIND: A Timely & Vital Look You Need To See

An absolutely incredible film, The Garden Left behind deserves every single accolade it draws in and every bit of praise it receives.

LITTLE WOODS: An Affecting Indictment Of American Woes
LITTLE WOODS: An Affecting Indictment Of American Woes

DaCosta makes a promising debut with Little Woods, showing an ambitious thematic depth while keeping the story affectingly small.