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AFTER: No Hero Could Save It
AFTER: No Hero Could Save It

Young adult love stories will always have an audience, but After was trite, formulaic, and lacking in any kind of sparkle.

THE CHAPERONE: The More Things Change, The More Things Stay the Same
THE CHAPERONE: The More Things Change, The More Things Stay the Same

The Chaperone is a film that’ll be gone by the month’s end, swallowed by the studio system and erased by this year’s loaded summer season.

Tribeca Film Festival 2019 Review: PLUS ONE
Tribeca Film Festival 2019 Review: PLUS ONE

Plus One is a perfectly serviceable and adequate romantic comedy; it has moments that charm and promising performances.

UGLYDOLLS: Muddled Message In Bland Animation

Where Toy Story found something deeply moving in a tale of toys, UglyDolls comes crashing down with all the moral engagement of a 1980s animated PSA.

STARFISH: A Melancholic, Beguiling & Tender Take On The Apocalypse
STARFISH: A Melancholic, Beguiling & Tender Take On The Apocalypse

Starfish’s reach might ultimately exceed its grasp, yet the film still succeeds as an immersive, stunningly crafted apocalyptic sci-fi.

QUEEN OF DIAMONDS: A Masterful Depiction of Life on the Margins
QUEEN OF DIAMONDS: A Masterful Depiction Of Life On The Margins

Surviving the experience of Queen of Diamons means being rewarded with a film that has more to say with far fewer words than much of independent cinema today.

HAIL, SATAN?: Solipsistic Liberalism in the Age of Pence
HAIL, SATAN?: Solipsistic Liberalism In The Age Of Pence

Hail, Satan? neatly fits in with a series of recent documentaries that do little more than preach to the liberal choir.

KNOCK DOWN THE HOUSE: A Celebration of Working Class Heroes
KNOCK DOWN THE HOUSE: A Celebration Of Working Class Heroes

Knock Down The House highlights four political pioneers, and provides an intriguing snapshot of post-2016 election America.

Tribeca Film Festival 2019 Review: ONLY
Tribeca Film Festival 2019 Review: ONLY

The idea of a future where women are valued only for their ability to repopulate doesn’t seem far-fetched today, giving Only an undercurrent of terror.

ABOUT A DONKEY: A Modest But Moving Film
ABOUT A DONKEY: A Modest But Moving Film

About a Donkey embraces its identity, and allows its viewers to grasp this, but also infuses their own personal experiences within these character’s journeys.

BOOKSMART: Olivia Wilde Aces Her Directorial Debut

Booksmart isn’t just a hilarious high school movie; it serves as a necessary reminder to rethink our initial judgments of people and actually try to get to know them instead.

Tribeca Film Festival 2019 Review: BLOW THE MAN DOWN
Tribeca Film Festival 2019 Review: BLOW THE MAN DOWN

Screening at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival as part of the U.S. Narrative Competition, Blow…

Tribeca Film Festival 2019 Review: AMERICAN WOMAN

While it’s plot is relatively flimsy, American Woman thrives on the basis of its powerful performances, particularly those from Hong Chau and Sarah Gadon.

BE NATURAL: THE UNTOLD STORY OF ALICE GUY-BLACHE: Paying Homage To One Of Early Cinema’s Unsung Heroes

Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché does a great service in making sure that we never again forget about Guy-Blaché’s contributions to film history.

AVENGERS: ENDGAME: A Proper Farewell

Avengers: Endgame was three hours of time-altering fights, blood, promises made, promises kept, and death – all culminating in a spectacular end to a decade’s worth of beloved movies.