Surviving the experience of Queen of Diamons means being rewarded with a film that has more to say with far fewer words than much of independent cinema today.
The idea of a future where women are valued only for their ability to repopulate doesn’t seem far-fetched today, giving Only an undercurrent of terror.
About a Donkey embraces its identity, and allows its viewers to grasp this, but also infuses their own personal experiences within these character’s journeys.
Booksmart isn’t just a hilarious high school movie; it serves as a necessary reminder to rethink our initial judgments of people and actually try to get to know them instead.
While it’s plot is relatively flimsy, American Woman thrives on the basis of its powerful performances, particularly those from Hong Chau and Sarah Gadon.
Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché does a great service in making sure that we never again forget about Guy-Blaché’s contributions to film history.
Avengers: Endgame was three hours of time-altering fights, blood, promises made, promises kept, and death – all culminating in a spectacular end to a decade’s worth of beloved movies.