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TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG (S1EP3+4): The Bigger Picture
TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG (S1E3+4): The Bigger Picture

Though beautifully crafted, Too Old To Die Young is a slow and frustrating watch that’s hopefully worth it in the end.

MIDSOMMAR: Folk Horror as Folk Art
MIDSOMMAR: Folk Horror As Folk Art

A film that is not enjoyed so much as processed, Midsommar is a rare experience that is not to be missed. That being said, you absolutely cannot skip it.

THE RAFT: A Clever Subversion of Expectations
THE RAFT: A Clever Subversion Of Expectations

The Raft is a rare documentary which aims to offer closure to its subjects, making it a rewarding watch. Hayden Cornmell reviews.

DARK VICTORY: Triumph Over Tragedy
DARK VICTORY: Triumph Over Tragedy

Dark Victory is yet another film released during the landmark year of 1939 all but cementing Bette Davis’ reputation as a force of nature.

RECOVERY: A Study in Post Traumatic Plot Disorder
RECOVERY: A Study In Post Traumatic Plot Disorder

While it may stumble under the weight of its own plot, Recovery is flawed, but it’s fun with moments that are really worth checking out.

Defending JUPITER ASCENDING: The Matrix as a Coming-Out Party
Defending JUPITER ASCENDING: The Matrix As A Coming-Out Party

Jupiter Ascending was a critical and a box office failure. Aaron Berry examines it from the point of view of the directors’ own transition.

MURDER MYSTERY: As Generic As The Title
MURDER MYSTERY: As Generic As The Title

Murder Mystery is a generic comedy from Adam Sandler, but thankfully never up there with the actor’s worst efforts. Mark MacPherson reviews.

AMERICAN WOMAN: Suffering Through The Storm
AMERICAN WOMAN: Suffering Through The Storm

With deeply moving and dynamic performances top to bottom, American Woman is a powerhouse of a film.

TOY STORY 4: The Best Toy Story Sequel Yet
TOY STORY 4: The Best Toy Story Sequel Yet

Toy Story 4 is the finest of the Toy Story sequels, and if it’s the start of a second trilogy, then we’ll follow it to infinity and beyond.

BLACK MIRROR: Unwrapping Season 5’s Flaws and Strengths
BLACK MIRROR Season 5: Unwrapping This Season’s Flaws & Strengths

The 5th season of Black Mirror is satisfying, but never reaches Charlie Brooker’s best work. Bree Duwin reviews.

HALLOWED GROUND: There Is A Good Film In Here Somewhere
HALLOWED GROUND: There Is A Good Film In Here Somewhere

With poor dialogue and a failed execution, Hallowed Ground is a massive disappointment and just might be one of the worst films of 2019.

THE SPANISH PRINCESS (S1E6) "A Polite Kidnapping": Family First
THE SPANISH PRINCESS (S1E6) “A Polite Kidnapping”: Family First

Episode 6 of The Spanish Princess ups the ante with more death, ambition and romance. Katy Kostakis reviews.

MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL: Thompson And Hemsworth Only Slightly Elevate An Awkward Script
MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL: Thompson & Hemsworth Only Slightly Elevate Awkward Script

Men In Black: International doesn’t work like it should, but Kumail Nanjiani is a standout in this mediocre entry to the franchise. Alex Arabian reviews.

WADE IN THE WATER: Artfully Measured Ounces Of Dark Humor & Solemn Drama

Wade in the Water is raw, supplying dialogue that’s probably too forthright for Hollywood, but it also pulls off something inventive and darkly funny.

TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG (S1EP1+2): A City Bathed In Blood And Neon
TOO OLD TO DIE YOUNG S1E1&2: A City Bathed In Blood & Neon

The Devil and The Lovers serve as a fascinating double-bill of Too Old to Die Young but it remains to be seen whether the series will grow into its own.