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THE CURRENT WAR: More Heat Than Light In This Undercharged Historical Drama
THE CURRENT WAR: More Heat Than Light In This Undercharged Historical Drama

The Current War admirably attempts to be something bigger than it ultimately is, with its A-list cast and interesting-but-misfiring style.

SKIN: Sells Itself Short
SKIN: Sells Itself Short

Skin manages a few gripping moments thanks to its cast but can’t string them together into something meaningful.

LADYWORLD: Creates Tension from Sound and Explores the Struggles of Teenage Girls
LADYWORLD: Creates Tension From Sound & Explores The Struggles Of Teenage Girls

Ladyworld manages to capture the perfect balance between the moments of tension and uneasiness with moments of teenage life.

LOVE, ANTOSHA: Incredible Individual, Admirably Captured
LOVE, ANTOSHA: Incredible Individual, Admirably Captured

Love, Antosha competently tells the utterly heartbreaking story of Anton Yelchin, the very intelligent and talented actor whose life was cut short.

PAVAROTTI: A Profound Exploration of a Delightful Icon
PAVAROTTI: A Profound Exploration Of A Delightful Icon

Pavarotti is at times hard to watch, but ever so entertaining and explosive exploring one of the most captivating and astonishing artists of the 20th century.

CUBBY: Quirky Coming of Age Film Gets Lost In Its Narrative
CUBBY: Quirky Coming of Age Film Gets Lost In Its Narrative

While it’s set up with a poignant perspectives, Cubby fails to provide an introspective look into loss and growth.

MARIANNE & LEONARD: WORDS OF LOVE: A Love Story That Loses Its Focus
MARIANNE & LEONARD: WORDS OF LOVE: A Love Story That Loses Its Focus

Lacking a statement about the artist-muse relationship, Nick Broomfield’s Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love fails to live up to the promise of its title.

THE GREAT HACK: A Call To Arms To Fight For Your Data
THE GREAT HACK: A Call To Arms To Fight For Your Data

While it’s not the best made documentary of the year, The Great Hack is the most important documentary you’ll watch all year.

Sporting Talk: The Conversations Of MONEYBALL
Sporting Talk: The Conversations Of MONEYBALL

A baseball film almost without baseball, Moneyball is a revolutionary sports film. Lewis Punton takes a closer look at the conversations that fuel the plot.

BETTER OFF DEAD: A Fantastic, Horrifying Masterpiece of Offensiveness
BETTER OFF DEAD: A Fantastic, Horrifying Masterpiece Of Offensiveness

Better off Dead uses the tropes and political incorrectness of many 1980s teen comedies but its absurdity is able to undermine these regressive areas.

ARMSTRONG: An Aim Well Below The Moon Still Falls Short
ARMSTRONG: An Aim Well Below The Moon Still Falls Short

Rather than looking skyward, Armstrong awkwardly looks at its feet, the film eclipsed by other efforts both fictional and factual.

CRAWL: A B-Movie With A Killer Bite
CRAWL: A B-Movie With A Killer Bite

Sometimes simple is all you need to make a fun movie, and with its quintessential man vs. nature thriller, we need more simple movies like Crawl.

THE LION KING: A Heartfelt Tribute to the Legacy of the Animated Classic
THE LION KING: A Heartfelt Tribute To The Legacy Of The Animated Classic

For those looking for a film that both acts as a tribute to its roots while never straying from the course it’s set off on, see The Lion King with an open mind.


Frankenstein’s Monster’s Monster, Frankenstein is a wonderfully absurd, surreal comedy, satirically captures the story of Frankenstein, and the confusion which comes with it.

THE FAREWELL: Finding Familiar Truths From A Family's Lie
THE FAREWELL: Finding Familiar Truths From A Family’s Lie

While The Farewell brings the identity crisis that many immigrant families face to the big screen, it also is a true-to-life reflection of family dynamics that everyone can relate to.