United States

Fantastic Fest 2019: DOLEMITE IS MY NAME
Fantastic Fest 2019: DOLEMITE IS MY NAME

Eddie Murphy is at his absolute best in Dolemite Is My Name. The humor and chops for drama that he brings to the role are a perfect c*cktail that you just can’t help but drink up.

3 DAYS WITH DAD: One Day Too Many
3 DAYS WITH DAD: One Day Too Many

3 Days With Dad does not deliver to the audience what it promises, presenting an exercise in patience that goes one day to long.

THE SOUND OF SILENCE: An Evocative Film About The Nature Of Sound & Humankind
THE SOUND OF SILENCE: An Evocative Film About The Nature Of Sound & Humankind

Sounds and vibrations undoubtedly shape the world as we know it, in turn capable of…


Looking back on “the gayest horror film ever made”, Scream Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street is the kind of documentary you wait all year to see.

BLOODLINE: Serial Killer Film With No Motive
BLOODLINE: Serial Killer Film With No Motive

Bloodline is a truly frustrating experience – a few less unneeded twists and turns might have made the whole thing plausible.

ALWAYS IN SEASON: Searching For Truth
ALWAYS IN SEASON: Searching For Truth

Although uneven, Always in Season is hugely effective in raising awareness and provoking discussion around racial injustice.

CORPORATE ANIMALS: Eating Your Way To The Top

Corporate Animals by no means breaks the horror/comedy mold, but there’s some laughs to be had.

VILLAINS: A Humorously Brilliant Take On An Old Idea
VILLAINS: A Humorously Brilliant Take On An Old Idea

With standout and nuanced performances, Villains is one of the funniest horror films you will see in quite some time.

TALL GIRL: Netflix Teen Flick Fails To Stand Out
TALL GIRL: Netflix Teen Flick Fails To Stand Out

Unfortunately, Tall Girl takes the typical high school movie beats and fails to do much with them.

CARNIVAL ROW Season 1: From Dark God Wakes To The Joining Of Unlike Things
CARNIVAL ROW Season 1: From Dark God Wakes To The Joining Of Unlike Things

Carnival Row starts off slow and is hard to get invested to, but eventually pays off in some respects.

HUSTLERS: A Glamorous, Femme Crime Film
HUSTLERS: A Glamorous, Femme Crime Film

Hustlers won’t be loved by everybody, but as both entertainment and an addition to the world of crime cinema, it’s an exceptional work.

FREAKS: An Ambitious & Absorbing Genre Mix
FREAKS: An Ambitious & Absorbing Genre Mix

Freaks is a paranoid little picture, using its influences wisely while manufacturing something distinctive: one of the best Sci-fi’s of the year.

THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY: Hitchcock's Forgotten Masterpiece of Subversive Sweetness
THE TROUBLE WITH HARRY: Hitchc*ck’s Forgotten Masterpiece Of Subversive Sweetness

Alfred Hitchc*ck’s oft-forgotten The Trouble With Harry delightfully blends small-town Americana with his usual penchant for droll humor and the macabre.

THE GIVERNY DOCUMENT: Black Women, Their Pain & Their Art

The Giverny Document demands attention, and even if the attention it does receive ends up in the limited availability of a museum, the format cannot be more appropriate.

TIFF 2019: WAVES Finds Hell, Healing & Humanity
TIFF 2019: WAVES Finds Hell, Healing & Humanity

Waves is an exquisitely crafted piece of art that solidifies Shults as a force to be reckoned with.