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GOOD OMENS Season 2: A Gorgeously Miraculous Second Act
GOOD OMENS Season Two: A Gorgeously Miraculous Second Act

Good Omens season two is truly beautiful in every sense of the word and is an absolute must-watch.

WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS: A Bleak & Dark Descent
WHERE THE DEVIL ROAMS: A Bleak & Dark Descent

Where The Devil Roams is a beautiful and grotesque rock and roll anthem that slays.

DIVINITY: A Time-Warped Body Horror Trip
DIVINITY: A Time-Warped Body Horror Trip

Divinity, written and directed by Eddie Alcazar, is a compelling sci-fi body horror, even though…

IT'S A WONDERFUL KNIFE: Perfect Blend of Christmas Cheer and Campy Gore
IT’S A WONDERFUL KNIFE: Perfect Blend of Christmas Cheer and Campy Gore

It’s a Wonderful Knife embraces its premise with blood-soaked snow, candy cane stab wounds, and cheery Christmas tunes.

"You're On My Crew": FIREFLY 20 Years Later
“You’re On My Crew”: FIREFLY 20 Years Later

In the end, Firefly is full of not only wit, style and imagination, but a burning compassion for its characters, along with their individual differences.

FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S: Recycled Pizza, Recycled Scares
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S: Recycled Pizza, Recycled Scares

The only real scare is that given Five Nights at Freddy’s runaway success, the sequel it so brazenly teases at its conclusion will certainly come to be.

Horrific Inquiry: PET SEMATARY (1989)

Pet Sematary feels like a good time horror film wrapped in the Stephen King charm, but it is terrors run deep and its implications devastating.

New York Film Festival 2023: ALL OF US STRANGERS
New York Film Festival 2023: ALL OF US STRANGERS

Is Andrew Haigh okay? Silly question: Of course he isn’t, he’s a filmmaker. An auteur,…

SAW X: Skin In The Game
SAW X: Skin In The Game

Once the blood begins to flow, Saw X tears ahead with brutal, surgical precision and typically excellent practical effects.

SUITABLE FLESH: A Freaky Delight
SUITABLE FLESH: A Freaky Delight

It’s wild. It’s weird. Joe Lynch has crafted one hell of a Lovecraftian thrill ride with Suitable Flesh.

THE HOLDOVERS: A Cozy Christmas For Lonely Souls
THE HOLDOVERS: A Cozy Christmas For Lonely Souls

The Holdovers is overflowing with gentle warmth and biting humor, making for a perfect Christmas movie and an easy go-to cheer-up picture.

ONLY IN THEATERS: The Rise, Fall And Triumph Of A Hollywood Institution
ONLY IN THEATERS: The Rise, Fall And Triumph Of A Hollywood Institution

Only In Theaters is a love letter to film – a history lesson, the biography of a legacy – showing a love for its subject and the art form of film.

NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU: Grey Aliens With Big Eyes Are Back, Baby!
NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU: Grey Aliens With Big Eyes Are Back, Baby!

It’s tough to be a sci-fi screenwriter in Hollywood — there’s a 90% chance that…

THE MISSION: A Documentary Journey On Faith Or Madness
THE MISSION: A Documentary Journey On Faith Or Madness

You can make of The Mission what you will, as there is so much here to unpack in the middle of this tension. It’s undeniable.

Saw X: A Pleasant(?) Surprise
Saw X: A Pleasant(?) Surprise

I didn’t think this was possible. I really didn’t. After the letdowns of Saw (2004)and Saw II…