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FEAST OF THE SEVEN FISHES: A Warm & Welcoming Exploration Of Italian Christmas Tradition
FEAST OF THE SEVEN FISHES: A Warm & Welcoming Exploration Of Italian Christmas Tradition

An enjoyable experience with memorable moments, Feast of the Seven Fishes is a heartwarming display of what Christmas means to Italian families.

MICKEY AND THE BEAR: Camila Morrone Breaks Through In Touching Rural Drama
MICKEY AND THE BEAR: Camila Morrone Breaks Through In Touching Rural Drama

Mickey And The Bear probably doesn’t have the budget to campaign for the attention of “For Your Consideration” recipients but, with any luck, it will be recognised like Winter’s Bone before it.

MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN: Overlong & Tedious, But With Style & Heart
MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN: Overlong & Tedious, But With Style & Heart

Though not a fully-realized film, Motherless Brooklyn shows some promise, with an impressive neo-noir style and an admirable takeaway.

THE REPORT: Tells The Truth Of 9/11, Warts And All

The Report is deserving of every ounce of praise it receives on its performances, accuracy, and commentary, but getting through the film is a bit of a slog.

High Stakes Independent Filmmaking With PHILOPHOBIA: OR THE FEAR OF FALLING IN LOVE
High Stakes Independent Filmmaking With PHILOPHOBIA: OR THE FEAR OF FALLING IN LOVE

The world of filmmaking seems simple enough from the view of an audience, while Twitter…

WOUNDS: iPhone Horror Bleeding With Ideas
WOUNDS: iPhone Horror Bleeding With Ideas

Wounds is a work of unyielding dread – one of those misunderstood gems that comes along every so often, catching you off-guard with its skin-crawling concept and arcane atmosphere.

Monsterfest 2019: READY OR NOT

Ready or Not heralds the arrival of a fantastic talent in Samara Weaving, as well as directors Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett.

Nuclear war, Baby-Killing Microwaves & Native American Genocide: Your Guide To THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE

The Entire History of the Louisiana Purchase ventures into nearly every documentary topic imaginable except what the title might imply.

HARRIET: Harriet Tubman Biopic Is Frustratingly Routine
HARRIET: Harriet Tubman Biopic Is Frustratingly Routine

Harriet is a formulaic biopic that doesn’t take any creatively clever leaps to ensure this biopic deserves to be associated with the historical significance of Harriet Tubman.

COUNTDOWN: A Gimmick App Not Worth Installing
COUNTDOWN: A Gimmick App Not Worth Installing

Countdown is not aggressively terrible, but it’s life-threateningly dull.

TERMINATOR: DARK FATE: Settles For Mediocrity
TERMINATOR: DARK FATE: Settles For Mediocrity

Terminator Dark Fate is a tentative move in the right direction for the series, acknowledging that the formula must be changed without fully pulling the rug out from under fans.

BLACK AND BLUE: Go On The Run With This Cop Drama
BLACK AND BLUE: Go On The Run With This Cop Drama

Black And Blue is a surprisingly engaging cop thriller; it has some stellar performances, confident direction, and a sharp story to boot.

BADLAND: More Of A Saunter Than A Gallop
BADLAND: More Of A Saunter Than A Gallop

With a better script and more action, Badland could have been a modern-day cowboy flick worth the near two hour run time.

THE LAUNDROMAT: Soderbergh's Scattered, Didactic Satire Of Global Wealth
THE LAUNDROMAT: Soderbergh’s Scattered, Didactic Satire Of Global Wealth

Steven Soderbergh is back with The Laundromat, a splashy, star-studded look at the world of obscene wealth and financial wrong-doing.

ADOPT A HIGHWAY: Meandering First Feature Has Its Heart In The Right Place
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: Meandering First Feature Has Its Heart In The Right Place

The potential lingers over Adopt A Highway like a dark cloud, ready to pour some nuance onto what becomes a rather muddled first effort.