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LOOKING FOR ALASKA: An Almost Perfect Adaptation of a Fan Favorite
LOOKING FOR ALASKA Season 1: An Almost Perfect Adaptation Of A Fan Favorite

While it does suffer from a few hiccups along the way, it finds its strength in its source material and its characters, cast and crew.

KNIVES OUT: Rian Johnson's Suspenseful Lampoon of the 1%
KNIVES OUT: Rian Johnson’s Suspenseful Lampoon Of The 1%

For all its faults, Knives Out is a brisk and often engaging film that will provide audiences a moderately enjoyable ride.

Animal Among Us: The Real Monster Was Boredom All Along
ANIMAL AMONG US: The Real Monster Was Boredom All Along

Generic in all the worst ways, Animal Among Us is poorly executed, feeling like a throwback to the worst of mid 2000’s horror.

THE GALLOWS ACT II: A Complete Utter Nightmare
THE GALLOWS ACT II: A Complete Utter Nightmare

The Gallows Act II is full of bad jump scares, laughable dialogue and is never very scary. Kevin Lee reviews.

EARTHQUAKE BIRD: Psychological Thriller Starts Off Strong But Veers Off Balance

Earthquake Bird is likely to be but a blip in the filmography of both its stars and director.

KLAUS: A Traditionally Animated Christmas Wonder
KLAUS: A Traditionally Animated Christmas Wonder

Klaus captures the old fashioned wonder of Christmas within the old fashioned splendor of traditional animation.

MIDWAY: A Battle That Deserves A Better Film
MIDWAY: A Battle That Deserves A Better Film

Between bad dialogue, acting that feels as undeveloped as the characters, and an unfocused story, it’s no wonder Midway feels like a drag.

DANIEL ISN’T REAL: Third Acts Are Hard
DANIEL ISN’T REAL: Third Acts Are Hard

While the tone, look and disturbing special effects will enthrall audiences in the beginning, Daniel Isn’t Real misses the mark in its third act.

AMERICAN SON: A Film That's All About The Thespians
AMERICAN SON: A Film That’s All About The Thespians

A transformative adaptation, American Son may not be a groundbreaking piece of filmmaking, but that’s not what it was meant to be either.

LAST CHRISTMAS: A Merry Little Misfire
LAST CHRISTMAS: A Merry Little Misfire

With the talent both behind the camera and in front of it, one would expect more thank a glorified Hallmark film from Last Christmas.

CHARLIE'S ANGELS: A Franchise Fights Itself
CHARLIE’S ANGELS: A Franchise Fights Itself

Charlie’s Angels is an uneven movie, but the joy of watching Stewart, Scott, and Balinska relish the lighthearted fun overpowers any shortcomings.

Queerly Ever After #13: REGARDING BILLY (2005)

Regarding Billy is the kind of movie you watch if you enjoy formulaic holiday films, but you’d like your Hallmark cheese with a dash of gay.

TELL ME WHO I AM: A Harrowing & Painful Exercise On Childhood Trauma
TELL ME WHO I AM: A Harrowing & Painful Exercise On Childhood Trauma

Ed Perkins’ documentary Tell Me Who I Am is an experience that’s both remarkable and powerful.

THE GIFT: THE JOURNEY OF JOHNNY CASH: A Meaningful Portrait of Sin & Salvation
THE GIFT: THE JOURNEY OF JOHNNY CASH: A Meaningful Portrait Of Sin & Salvation

“The Gift” of Johnny Cash is how he brings us into his struggles, into his journey, and lets us be a part of it with him.

JACK RYAN Season Two: Our Hero Falls Victim To The Sophomore Slump
JACK RYAN Season 2: Our Hero Falls Victim To The Sophomore Slump

Unfortunately, our hero has fallen victim to the sophomore slump; Jack Ryan has made a lackluster return to our screens for season 2.