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THE WAY BACK: Affleck Soars In Gripping Redemption Story
THE WAY BACK: Affleck Soars In Gripping Redemption Story

The Way Back is a deeply affecting and moving redemption story anchored by an absolutely outstanding performance from Ben Affleck.

D. WADE: LIFE UNEXPECTED: If You Like Wade, You’ll Love His Expansive, Peripheral Doc
D. WADE: LIFE UNEXPECTED: If You Like Wade, You’ll Love His Expansive, Peripheral Doc

Linear as can be, D. Wade: Life Unexpected will satisfy fans of the superstar and fans of the NBA, acting more as a gloss-over and less as an in-detail retrospective.

HUNTERS Season 1: Holocaust Revenge Fantasy Embraces Grindhouse
HUNTERS Season 1: Holocaust Revenge Fantasy Embraces Grindhouse

Well-acted, and relentlessly brutal, Hunters has the ability to garner more attention but falls short from being memorable.

THE JESUS ROLLS: The Tumbleweed Has Tumbled

The problem is not only that The Jesus Rolls doesn’t work as either a Lebowski spinoff or a Going Places remake, but that this movie barely works as anything.

VIVARIUM: Stranger Than Strange
VIVARIUM: Stranger Than Strange

Vivarium is a strange beast and not everything works within its bizarre world, but it’s an endlessly compelling watch.

THE LAST THING HE WANTED: Making Sense Of Netflix's Confounding Thriller
THE LAST THING HE WANTED: Making Sense Of Netflix’s Confounding Thriller

Despite an all-star cast of respectable and often captivating actors, The Last Thing He Wanted ultimately falls apart due to its convoluted storytelling.

THE LODGE: A Fun, Subversive Horror Hit
THE LODGE: A Fun, Subversive Horror Hit

The Lodge is inventive, it’s clever and it’s pretty damn spooky. If you’re a horror fan, don’t let this one slip under the radar.

THE INVISIBLE MAN: An Effective Modernization Of The Classic Monster
THE INVISIBLE MAN: An Effective Modernization Of The Classic Monster

From its opening scene of a mansion overlooking the ocean to its anxiety-inducing conclusion, The Invisible Man brings Universal Monsters to a whole new level.

THE OUTSIDER (S1E9) "Tigers And Bears": El Coco's Whereabouts Are Revealed
THE OUTSIDER (S1E9) “Tigers And Bears”: El Coco’s Whereabouts Are Revealed

Before the season ends, The Outsider has to deliver a reasonably satisfying conclusion that’ll at least gratify those viewers who stuck with the series.

THE CLONE WARS (S7E1+2) "The Bad Batch" & "A Distant Echo": We're Back!
THE CLONE WARS (S7E1+2) “The Bad Batch” & “A Distant Echo”: We’re Back!

Before I fell in love with Baby Yoda and the gunslinging world brought to us…

BRAHMS: THE BOY II: One Boy Is Enough
BRAHMS: THE BOY II: One Boy Is Enough

Brahms returns in this pointless sequel to The Boy, which starts out with some promise but loses its plot halfway through.

Sundance 2020: MINARI
Sundance 2020: MINARI

In our final review from Sundance 2020, Janet Lee reviews MinarI, a film that brings an honest story of family, love, selfishness, and humility.

FANTASY ISLAND: A Holiday from Hell
FANTASY ISLAND: A Holiday From Hell

What should have been a sun-soaked blockbuster, Fantasy Island leaves us feeling shamelessly entertained and frustratingly ripped-off.

AFTER MIDNIGHT: A Lovesick, Country-Fried Creature Feature
AFTER MIDNIGHT: A Lovesick, Country-Fried Creature Feature

After Midnight shows much potential in its early-goings, which makes the lack of a satisfying follow-through all the more disappointing.

I AM FEAR: A Horror That Asks, "Who Is The Real Monster?"
I AM FEAR: A Horror That Asks, “Who Is The Real Monster?”

Even with the brilliance of Faran Tahir’s believable portrayal of a broken villain, I Am Fear flaws weigh heavy, even in the final moments.