United States

THE IRON CLAW: A Tragic Tale Of Wrestling Royalty
THE IRON CLAW: A Tragic Tale Of Wrestling Royalty

Durkin’s moving, muscular tale will astound and captivate you, and is unlikely to leave a dry eye in the house. The Iron Claw is a spectacular triumph.

Horrific Inquiry: LET ME IN (2010)

For this Horrific Inquiry we take a look at 2010’s vampiric Let Me In.

Slamdance Film Festival 2024: Interview With Co-Writer/Director Pete Ohs
Slamdance Film Festival 2024: LOVE AND WORK

With his fourth feature film Love and Work, Pete Ohs has proven himself a master of creating unique screen stories with remarkably little on-screen frills

FLOAT: Grab A Life Preserver
FLOAT: Grab A Life Preserver

Float loses much of its authenticity and charm in the lackluster filler and predictability, drowning with no chance of rescue.

Horrific Inquiry: GOTHIKA (2003)

While Gothika may not have stood the test of time, or have the most plausible horror narrative, it delivers an eerie watch.

GOOD GRIEF: A Cathartic Examination Of The Human Experience
GOOD GRIEF: A Cathartic Examination Of The Human Experience

A multilayered depiction, Good Grief delivers on what its title promises and audiences will find they are richer in experience for it.

Horrific Inquiry: FUNNY GAMES (2007)

Horror films have trained us to expect the final girl, but Funny Games does not acknowledge this hope and desire for survival.

Sundance Film Festival 2024: ETERNAL YOU
Sundance Film Festival 2024: ETERNAL YOU

An effective and vitally relevant piece of cinema, Eternal You is both a display of hope and caution that we all need to hear.

source: Disney+
CRATER: A Starry-Eyed Moon Adventure That Almost Got Scrubbed From Existence

CRATER, a sci-fi kids’ movie that was scrubbed from Disney+, wastes the talents of its young cast, especially Mckenna Grace.

WHICH BRINGS ME TO YOU: Easy Breezy Romance With Heart
WHICH BRINGS ME TO YOU: Easy Breezy Romance With Heart

Which Brings Me To You is a heartwarming romantic comedy that strives to reach beyond the simplicity of love matches and mishaps.

MEAN GIRLS: "This Is Not Your Mother's MEAN GIRLS"
MEAN GIRLS: This Is Not Your Mother’s MEAN GIRLS

Hitting both high and low notes, Mean Girls retains the core heart of the original, all while modernizing itself for a new generation.

TRAINSPOTTING Criterion Review: Danny Boyle's '90s Masterpiece, Restored In 4K
TRAINSPOTTING Criterion Review: Danny Boyle’s ’90s Masterpiece, Restored In 4K

Criterion’s new 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray is the best Trainspotting has ever looked and sounded on home video format and is the definitive way of viewing.

DAD JOKES : A Spicy Take On The Never Built Father-Daughter Relationship
DAD JOKES : A Spicy Take On The Never Built Father-Daughter Relationship

Dad Jokes leaves us excited for Welch’s future in comedy, and the potential for a new chapter in her comedic journey.

NIGHT SWIM: Attack Of The Killer Pool
NIGHT SWIM: Attack Of The Killer Pool

While those looking for genuine chills should certainly seek them elsewhere, this movie is batting at a surprisingly high level.

ANYONE BUT YOU: Good-Old-Fashioned Junk Food

Anyone But You is a light, self-aware piece of entertainment that isn’t afraid of being silly.