Trump Card is exhausting and potentially lobotomising, especially if you are watching it out of curiosity.
Hannibal Rising poses the question about what kinds of monsters we make of ourselves by settling for the aesthetics of political virtue.
Bizzarre and eccentric, Kajillionaire is a tender and moving story about love and our needs for connection.
While Synchronic is not the deep and pensive film it attempts to be, it is still an enjoyable film that will entertain.
Daryl MacDonald spoke with Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart to discuss the third in their unofficial Celtic folklore triptych: Wolfwalkers.
While it boasts gorgeous cinematography and framing, American Thief fails to find cohesion in its message and in its narrative.
Definition Please allows viewers to transcend the boundaries of culture and see themselves in the characters and in their emotions.
Lapsis is topical, revolutionary, and maddening, encouraging viewers to think critically about the economic systems that govern their lives.
The Trial of the Chicago 7 has the potential to become a bona-fide crowdpleaser that will resonate with its target demographic.
The passion of McQueen and his artistic collaborators for telling these stories shines through in every frame.
Letters to Daniel is pretty uneven at times, but the story it is telling is important and engrossing.
There’s so much to be said, and yet we settle into a story that sometimes takes the easier road if not the obvious one.
The Devil All the Time is disturbing and unrelenting in its catharsis and its portrayal of the cycles of violence.
The Paper Tigers is crafted with a sense of passion that can only come from a filmmaker who is eager to express their own intimate creativity.
If you’re feeling nostalgic for early oughts movies like She’s All That, then Latter Days from C. Jay Cox is for you.