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AMMONITE: A Beautiful Tale Of Loneliness Billed As A Romance
AMMONITE: A Beautiful Tale Of Loneliness Billed As A Romance

Ammonite is a cold, distant viewing that rewards the viewer in sporadic intervals, confident that it will find the right audience.

Queerly Ever After #40: THE 10 YEAR PLAN (2014)
Queerly Ever After #40: THE 10 YEAR PLAN (2014)

The 10 Year Plan is a traditional rom-com, it is not about coming out of the closet, it is just about two best friends who realize they’ve been in love.

PRINCESS OF THE ROW: An Earnest Drama About Homelessness & Poverty
PRINCESS OF THE ROW: An Earnest Drama About Homelessness & Poverty

An earnest and perceptive drama that deals with homelessness and mental illness in ways that inform and engage, Princess of the Row is a must-see indie.

HAPPIEST SEASON: Learning to Love Yourself This Holiday
HAPPIEST SEASON: Learning To Love Yourself This Holiday

Happiest Season is a holiday film that transcends a one size fits all, welcoming everyone home for the holidays.

BARBIE & KENDRA STORM AREA 51: Retro Remix of Sci Fi Cult Classics
BARBIE & KENDRA STORM AREA 51: Retro Remix of Sci-Fi Cult Classics

If you’re going to watch this one, you might as well marathon the series with some buddies online while imbibing the adult beverage of your choice.

SOUND OF METAL: An Innovative, Meditative Experience
SOUND OF METAL: An Innovative, Meditative Experience

It is an innovative piece of work; it starts off intense and visceral until it takes a turn and becomes a tender, compassionate exploration of acceptance.

UNCLE FRANK: A Bit Rushed, But Incredibly Sweet
UNCLE FRANK: A Bit Rushed, But Incredibly Sweet

Honest with its subject matter, Uncle Frank is a very conventional drama where something topical in the 1970s is still relevant today.

THE SOUNDING: Shakespeare Drama Is All Bard, No Bite
THE SOUNDING: Shakespeare Drama Is All Bard, No Bite

The Sounding is a tribute to William Shakespeare first and foremost, though that adoration often gets in the way of its storytelling.

DREAMLAND: Margot Robbie Robs Banks and Steals Hearts
DREAMLAND: Margot Robbie Robs Banks and Steals Hearts

In Dreamland, Margot Robbie is perfectly cast as a complex woman whose outlaw glamour belies her inner darkness.

THE CLIMB: Smart & Relentlessly Awkward Comedic Debut
THE CLIMB: Smart & Relentlessly Awkward Comedic Debut

The Climb is an exciting and robust debut from Michael Angelo Covino.

LET HIM GO: Slow-Burn Thriller Reuniting Diane Lane and Kevin Costner
LET HIM GO: Slow-Burn Thriller Reuniting Diane Lane and Kevin Costner

Let Him Go is both a period piece — though set in the 1950s, not the Old West — and also a tale pregnant with grief.

BIG TOUCH: The Grandest of Small Gestures

Big Touch contains far more than its diminutive runtime would suggest. A very short-short, the film draws its audience into several small, human moments.

CHICK FIGHT: Fight Club In Mom Jeans
CHICK FIGHT: Fight Club In Mom Jeans

Chick Fight never takes advantage of the premise it was trying to flesh out, and loses any feminist credibility it could have had.

MORTAL: A Grim Origin Story With Emotional Charge
MORTAL: A Grim Origin Story With Emotional Charge

André Øvredal’s Mortal is a mature and sober take on the superhero origin story, favoring emotional conflict over physical conflict.

Tik Tok, Trump & Pandemic: A New Borat for a New America
Tik Tok, Trump & Pandemic: A New Borat for a New America

Borat 2 sheds portions of the subtlety seen in the first film in a necessary plea to fully understand the harm of our current administration.