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TENET 4K Blu-Ray Review: Far From An Obscure Tenet
TENET 4K Blu-Ray Review: Far From An Obscure Tenet

The crystal-clear visual spectacle is on full display, making this 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray of Tenet comes highly recommended.

76 DAYS: The Faces Of Strength And Hope In Crisis
76 DAYS: The Faces Of Strength And Hope In Crisis

While it may seem to soon, 76 Days is a vital documentary that is a testament to those at the frontlines during the lockdown of Wuhan.

THE TEST & THE ART OF THINKING: What Does the SAT Really Test?
THE TEST & THE ART OF THINKING: What Does The SAT Really Test?

The Test & the Art of Thinking is an important documentary, highlighting a particular issue in education that is connected to a larger problem.

In Disney Nature's PENGUINS: LIFE ON THE EDGE, It's Filmmakers Versus Penguins
In Disney Nature’s PENGUINS: LIFE ON THE EDGE, It’s Filmmakers Versus Penguins

Penguins: Life on the Edge continues to be remarkable, capturing filmmakers risking life and limb to bring us footage of wonders yet unseen.

SAFETY: Too Sentimentally Safe
SAFETY: Too Sentimentally Safe

For a true story about changing the rules, Safety sticks strictly to the dusty sports drama playbook.

MOSUL: In Iraq, Heroes Don't Wear Spandex
MOSUL: In Iraq, Heroes Don’t Wear Spandex

While far from perfect, Mosul is an effective look into a country ravaged by war and constantly searching for hope.

Who Wants to Live Forever? Vlad Kozlov and the Cast of IMMORTALIST and the Fiction of Science
Who Wants to Live Forever? Vlad Kozlov and the Cast of IMMORTALIST and the Fiction of Science

Jim Dixon sat down to interview with director Vladislav Kozlov and the cast of their upcoming film, Immortalist.

THE QUEEN´S GAMBIT MINISERIES: A Striking But Unfulfilling Match
THE QUEEN´S GAMBIT MINISERIES: A Striking But Unfulfilling Match

The Queen’s Gambit is stunning and exhilaratingly enjoyable, but it ultimately leaves me as a viewer just wanting more of it as a whole.

DEAR SANTA: Capturing The Spirit Of Christmas And Community
DEAR SANTA: Capturing The Spirit Of Christmas And Community

Dear Santa is a film that proves love and charity are all around, showing that Christmas is not just for children, but for the communities and the heart.

MANK: David Fincher Makes His Long-Awaited Return
MANK: David Fincher Makes His Long-Awaited Return

While Mank isn’t David Fincher’s best work, it certainly places quite high in his repertoire.

THE JINKX & DELA HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Filled With Queer Christmas Cheer, These Queens Deliver The Goodies
THE JINKX & DELA HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Filled With Queer Christmas Cheer, These Queens Deliver The Goodies

The Jinkx & DeLa Holiday Special is a labor of yuletide love that shows the raw creativity and determination of queer performers.

The Cry of Jazz: An Invaluable Meditation on Art and Race
The Cry of Jazz: An Invaluable Meditation on Art and Race

The Cry of Jazz does not waste energy or time, and in doing so it succeeds in breaking through with its considerable strength.

FATMAN: A Noel-istic Misfire
FATMAN: A Noel-istic Misfire

Fatman is an exhausting, vile, depressingly boring movie which might have been kinda funny as a skit or short.

Black Bear: Good Bark, Little Bite
BLACK BEAR: Strong Bark, Little Bite

Black Bear goes to such lengths to get across a mundane idea that even its lack of meaning is forgivable in light of its wild viewing experience.

HILLBILLY ELEGY: Our Annual “Movie to Get Mad About” Is Here!
HILLBILLY ELEGY: Our Annual “Movie to Get Mad About” Is Here!

In context to its insufferably self-congratulatory source, Hillbilly Elegy might be the least-bad adaptation one could hope for, for whatever that’s worth.