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SOUND OF MY VOICE: A Retrospective Look At Indie Gold
SOUND OF MY VOICE: A Retrospective Look At Indie Gold

With Sound of My Voice is celebrating its anniversary this year, now is the time to relive this classic Indie gem or to discover it for the first time.

MALCOLM & MARIE Review: An Emotionally Hollow Mess
MALCOLM & MARIE Review: An Emotionally Hollow Mess

Malcolm & Marie isn’t a terrible film by any means, but it’s undoubtedly a bewildering mess that collapses under its own weight.

Horrific Inquiry: HOUSE OF WAX (1953)
Horrific Inquiry: HOUSE OF WAX (1953)

House of Wax boasts an impressive performance by Vincent Price, a strong induction into horror history and proof that remakes are not all bad.

Queerly Ever After #44: PRIVATE ROMEO (2011)
Queerly Ever After #44: PRIVATE ROMEO (2011)

Private Romeo is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet that transposes the action to the fictional McKinley Military Academy.

SILENCE & DARKNESS: An Unnerving Tale Of Familial Digression
SILENCE & DARKNESS: An Unnerving Tale Of Familial Digression

From its very first beat, Silence & Darkness is filled with a lingering sense of distress, unfortunately gaining traction too late in the game.


This is a series that shows its cards right in the title; it’s about the hunt. And it’s an unforgettable one.

PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN: The Dark Reality of Revenge
PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN: The Dark Reality of Revenge

Promising Young Woman sacrifices its opportunity to deliver the ultimate revenge fantasy for something unexpectedly profound and, thematically necessary.

GUN AND A HOTEL BIBLE: A Christian Film Without Easy Answers
GUN AND A HOTEL BIBLE: A Christian Film Without Easy Answers

Although I applaud the moments of complexity, the film still falls into many of the same traps by simplifying the philosophical choices down to a binary.

Once A Cop: The End Of Identity In THE PLEDGE
Once A Cop: The End Of Identity In THE PLEDGE

Retirement from the force isn’t just the end of his career — it’s the annihilation of his entire identity.

HISTORY OF SWEAR WORDS: Not Your Typical History Lesson
HISTORY OF SWEAR WORDS: Not Your Typical History Lesson

With History of Swear Words, Netflix delivers entertainment and knowledge regarding those naughty words that have morphed throughout the years.

PIECES OF A WOMAN: Nurturing Life & Facing Death
PIECES OF A WOMAN: Nurturing Life & Facing Death

Pieces of A Woman is remarkable – it’s either the final great film of 2020 or the first masterwork of 2021.

Horrific Inquiry: SPLINTER (2008)
Horrific Inquiry: SPLINTER (2008)

In a retrospective world, now is the time to revisit Splinter – or to discover it for the first time. You won’t be disappointed.

TikTok Made RATATOUILLE Into A Musical, And It Slaps
TikTok Made RATATOUILLE Into A Musical, And It Slaps

What started as a meme last year on TikTok — that the 2007 Pixar film Ratatouille has Broadway musical potential — unexpectedly exploded in popularity.

MINDING THE GAP Criterion Review: Meaning for Ourselves
MINDING THE GAP Criterion Review: Meaning for Ourselves

In a newly released Blu-Ray from the Criterion Collection, Owen Butler takes a look at Bing Liu’s Minding the Gap.

SHADOWS: A Ship In A Bottle
SHADOWS: A Ship In A Bottle

Shadows is a snapshot of a long gone period, embracing the brash and unfiltered attitude of its era by refusing to omit its mistakes.