United States

CRISIS: An Okay Opiod Anthology
CRISIS: An Okay Opiod Anthology

There are some fine performances and strong scenes here and there but the editing darts between so many stories that it’s just begging for a fan cut.

Queerly Ever After #52: FIVE DANCES (2013)
Queerly Ever After #52: FIVE DANCES (2013)

In the latest installment of Queerly Ever After, we take a look at 2013’s Five Dances, a film about two men who find love in a dance studio.


Sky Hopinka’s film “małni: towards the ocean, towards the shore” is a meditative experimental film rooted in Chinook mythology and tradition.

THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW: An Entertaining But Mediocre Take On An Old Classic
THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW: An Entertaining But Mediocre Take On An Old Classic

In a transformative paranoia and confined space, The Woman in the Window may not be the best remake of a classic tale, but it is far from the worst.

Horrific Inquiry: ROSEMARY'S BABY (1968)
Horrific Inquiry: ROSEMARY’S BABY (1968)

From witches to Satan, Rosemary’s Baby has it all, and while it may not have aged as well as hoped, it is still a classic film that still influences.

WALKAWAY JOE A Charming Coming-of-Age Pool Hall Drama
WALKAWAY JOE: A Charming Coming-of-Age Pool Hall Drama

Walkaway Joe seems like little more than a run-of-the-mill kitchen sink drama with a nine-ball angle. But Wright’s film is remarkably poignant.

THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD: Nature Always Bites Back
THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD: Nature Always Bites Back

While it may not be as ambitious or as deep as it could have been, it is an exciting genre film with a charismatic performance from Angelina Jolie.

THE PAPER TIGERS: Entertaining Action Comedy With Just Enough Mystery
THE PAPER TIGERS: Entertaining Action Comedy With Just Enough Mystery

The Paper Tigers is an enjoyable action comedy exploring the different ways people change over time and the importance of protecting your family, be it blood or bond.

WRATH OF MAN: Not Mad, Just Disappointed
WRATH OF MAN: Not Mad, Just Disappointed

Wrath of Man fails to make the most of an inventive story structure and a typically solid Statham performance, smothered under layers of bland masculinity.

THE KILLING OF TWO LOVERS: A Struggle to Remain Together
THE KILLING OF TWO LOVERS: A Struggle to Remain Together

Robert Machoian’s The Killing of Two Lovers is an upcoming marriage drama starring Clayne Crawford, Sepideh Moafi, and Chris Coy.

UNCIVILIZED: Finding Balance By Harmonizing Old Ways With Modern Convenience
UNCIVILIZED: Finding Balance By Harmonizing Old Ways With Modern Convenience

The documentary as a whole is a brilliant lesson in ecology, humanity, and finding better ways to live comfortably without taking more than you give back.

LAST CHANCE U - BASKETBALL: For The Fans of A Beautiful Game
LAST CHANCE U – BASKETBALL: For The Fans of A Beautiful Game

With a shift to basketball, the new season of Last Chance U is a journey into the lives of student-athletes hoping to achieve their goals.

CPH:DOX 2021: HOPPER/WELLES: A Clash Of Film Titans
CPH:DOX 2021: HOPPER/WELLES: A Clash Of Film Titans

In spite of some reservations, and though it certainly demands patience, Hopper/Welles remains a treasure trove worthy of exploration.

TCM Classic Film Festival 2021: DOCTOR X and the Horror Films of Michael Curtiz
TCM Classic Film Festival 2021: DOCTOR X and the Horror Films of Michael Curtiz

With the TCM Classic Film Festival kicking off in May, Lee Jutton takes a look at Michael Curtiz’s Doctor X, one of the films playing.

FOUR GOOD DAYS: A Profound Examination of Addiction
FOUR GOOD DAYS: A Profound Examination of Addiction

Delivering solid and unforgettable performances from Glenn Close and Mila Kunis, Four Good Days is brilliantly done, and quietly effective.