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Venice International Film Festival 2022: BONES AND ALL

Luca Guadagnino’s Bones and All is a monumental statement on the beautiful powers of love bolstered by great performances.

TAR Trailer
Venice International Film Festival 2022: TÁR

It’s hard not to muse over whether any other performer this year can top what Cate Blanchett does in Todd Field’s Tár.

Venice International Film Festival 2022: WHITE NOISE
Venice International Film Festival 2022: WHITE NOISE

It’s hard to imagine Noah Baumbach making a film about an apocalypse, yet this enigma-raveled concept perfectly encapsulates White Noise.

A Century In Cinema: NANOOK OF THE NORTH (1922)
A Century In Cinema: NANOOK OF THE NORTH (1922)

In 1922, Robert J. Flaherty’s Nanook of the North, the first feature-length “documentary” came out to be a box-office success.

PURPLE HEARTS: My Darling Romance
PURPLE HEARTS: My Darling Romance

Purple Hearts stands as a viable romance venture that is sure to pull at your heartstrings while delivering a platform of conversation for modern struggles.

Horrific Inquiry: PREDATOR (1987)
Horrific Inquiry: PREDATOR (1987)

Predator is one of those classic films that is a must-see – especially if you have the right crowd to watch it with.

LOOK BOTH WAYS: A Pleasant Surprise
LOOK BOTH WAYS: A Pleasant Surprise

Look Both Ways was a pleasant surprise. And while its final messaging is predictable, it does not miss on its delivery.

THIRTEEN LIVES: A Solid Adaptation of a Rescue that Captured Hearts
THIRTEEN LIVES: A Solid Adaptation of a Rescue that Captured Hearts

Mukdeeprom and Howard make Thirteen Lives an entertaining and emotional translation of a major news event that captured the world.

Horrific Inquiry: URBAN LEGEND (1998)
Horrific Inquiry: URBAN LEGEND (1998)

Urban Legend may have become a legend of its own in the years since its release, yet it still retains its place within the slasher films of the 1990s.

MOVERS ULTIMATE: A Nostalgic Schlep
MOVERS ULTIMATE: A Nostalgic Schlep

If you’re a fan of raunchy comedies, many of which have been cited as an inspiration for this one, book a date with Movers Ultimate today.

FALL: Finds Its Fight
FALL: Finds Its Fight

Fall also builds on its characters, taking the idea of trust, love, redemption, and the will to survive to new heights.

DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS: A Mild-Mannered Superhero Comedy
DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS: A Mild-Mannered Superhero Comedy

Super-Pets flies high for an animated film aimed at the smaller crowd, making a strong superhero picture for the whole family.

BATMAN (1989): Why Burton Does The Dark Knight Best
BATMAN (1989): Why Burton Does The Dark Knight Best

Out of all of the Batman movies I have seen, the 1989 version is the best, and director Tim Burton captures the moody magic of Batman with a deft hand.

A Century In Cinema: ROBIN HOOD (1922)
A Century In Cinema: ROBIN HOOD (1922)

For film history buffs, silent film aficionados, or those who like a lavish period piece with equal parts drama and action, add this film to your watchlist.

WHERE'S ROSE: A Bleak & Transfixing Tale of True Evil
WHERE’S ROSE: A Bleak & Transfixing Tale of True Evil

John Mathis’ Where’s Rose is more concerned about real-life horrors than it is with fantastical ones, and it is all the better for it.