United States

OLDBOY Is A Case Study in How Not to Do a Remake

In this 2013 American “reinterpretation” of Park Chan-wook’s Oldboy – which was itself loosely based on a ‘90s manga by Tsuchiya Garon – a misogynistic, binge-drinking ad exec (Josh Brolin) is mysteriously abducted and held captive for 20 years without any explanation. Then, just as suddenly as he was taken, he’s released back into the world with a stack of cash, a phone, and a hankering for bloody, violent vengeance to help him find out why he was kidnapped in the first place. Full disclosure:

OPEN GRAVE: A Survival Story, Not a Philosophical Journey

Open Grave has been described as a philosophical journey, but it’s just a story about fear and survival that leaves you in the dark for most of it. Review by Tyler Rowe.

DALLAS BUYERS CLUB: The Pharmaceutical Industry is Evil

Dallas Buyers Club isn’t just a story about a dude in the 1980’s that got AIDS and built a drugs emporium – it’s much more than that.

Why THE LEGO MOVIE Isn’t Just For Kids

Don’t we all love overpriced coffee? For one, The Lego Movie is chock full of adult humor, and makes for an excellent watch for the grown-ups among us, too.

OBLIVION Is Visually Stunning but Superficial and Unoriginal

Oblivion was a movie I’d been looking forward to as I’m a huge (dystopian) sci-fi fan. Unfortunately, it was quite a disappointment. Rarely have I seen a movie as unoriginal as this one.

PRISONERS Tells Us Justice is Incapable and to Fear People

I had already previewed Prisoners a while ago, and was quite interested in seeing the movie. However, I didn’t have the chance until yesterday due to… life.

Why WORLD WAR Z Is More Nuanced Than You Realized

I’m honestly not much of a horror fan, especially the ghosts I cannot handle (nor the high-pitched violin shrieking and shots that give me heart attacks). Zombies are something else, though. I’m pretty good with the blood and gore and they’re generally not too scary.

NOW YOU SEE ME Uses Magic Tricks to Distract from the Meager Story

First of all, I was struck by the impressive cast of this movie. Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Mark Ruffalo… That’s quite the list. Now You See Me tells us the story of four street-wise magicians, not afraid to scam a person or two while they’re at it.


How To Make Money Selling Drugs (2012) is a documentary discussing the lucrative world of drugs and drugs dealing and how people get involved in the world, and, essentially, what should change to make the business less attractive. In a 90-minute feature, director (and melodramatic narrator) Matthew Cooke interviews a multitude of people among which musicians and actors like Curtis Jackson (50 Cent), Susan Sarandon, Woody Harrelson, Marshall Mathers (Eminem), a whole bunch of drug traffickers among which Brian O’Dea and Freeway Ricky Ross, people from the law enforcement, both pro and against the War on Drugs. I went into this movie without any prior knowledge.

THE PURGE: An Awesome Concept But Failed To Deliver

In The Purge, a happy, wealthy family gets ready for the annual night of the Purge, a 12-hour period during which all crime is legal. This new way to fight crime has been very successful – crime is at an all time low, as is unemployment. Moreover, it is supposedly an easy way to rid society of those who do not contribute.

DEAD MAN DOWN, A Pointless Action Flick

In Dead Man Down, Colin Farrell plays Victor/Laszlo (whom I’ll just call Victor henceforth), a Hungarian gangster who’s part of an organized crime syndicate. We soon find out he is not who he pretends to be. The movie opens with a talk about children, which nicely sets the mood and foreshadows some of the movie’s story.

GANGSTER SQUAD Should Have Been Smarter and Grittier

Mobsters are trying to get a foothold in the City of Angels, and good cop John O’Mara (Josh Brolin) and his gangster squad come to the rescue. We are introduced to L.A.

THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES Is Confusing and Contrived

The Place Beyond the Pines tries to be an interesting movie, but above all is just very confusing. We start off the story with Luke Glanton (Ryan Gosling), motor stunt rider. He finds out he got a baby with a woman, Romina, in one of the towns he visited during his circus travels.

THX 1138 Is The Foundation of Dystopian Science Fiction Film

Most people I tell about THX 1138 have never heard of it before. When I tell them it was George Lucas’ first feature-length film, they look at me dumbfounded. Though, if you’d have told me about THX a few years ago, my reaction would probably have been the same.

OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN Is Racist, Stupid and One-Dimensional

The director of Training Day (2001) (a respectable movie to say the least) has made the most hilariously ridiculous, cringe-inducingly bad movie I’ve seen in some time. Boasting a cast of renowned actors like Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Angela Basset, even this ensemble could not save it. Olympus Has Fallen opens on Christmas eve, showing a happy president, a happy first lady, a really happy kid, happy bodyguards – until something awful happens (of course).