United States

I LOVE YOU, DADDY: Louis C.K's Career Suicide
I LOVE YOU, DADDY: Louis C.K’s Career Suicide

Regardless of the context it’s currently being viewed in, Louis C.K’s I Love You, Daddy,…

JUSTICE LEAGUE: Visually Captivating, Stealthily Substantive, & Surprisingly Cohesive
JUSTICE LEAGUE: Visually Captivating, Stealthily Substantive & Vacillatingly Cohesive

Justice League has its flaws, but is outweighed by its superb direction, decent dialogue and the bonding of its heroes throughout.

LADY BIRD: Growing Up Gerwig

Lady Bird is an inspired coming-of-age story by first-time solo director Greta Gerwig, containing a plethora of dynamic performances to boot.

WHEELMAN: This Vehicle Needs Newer Parts
WHEELMAN: This Vehicle Needs Newer Parts

Can a stripped down action movie feel too simplistic for its own good? In the case of Wheelman, the answer is a resounding yes.

SWEET VIRGINIA: A Gripping Thriller That Should Have Been Longer
SWEET VIRGINIA: A Gripping Thriller That Should Have Been Longer

Sweet Virginia is a gripping, atmospheric movie, with stellar acting and a characterful script who’s only fault is it is not long enough.

A BAD MOMS CHRISTMAS: Wilder But Inferior Sequel
A BAD MOMS CHRISTMAS: Wilder But Inferior Sequel

A Bad Moms Christmas is mediocre after the original film, with stale jokes that lift the film away from reality and biting satire.

PORTO: Visually Beautiful, Otherwise Empty
PORTO: Visually Beautiful, Otherwise Empty

While lovely looking and with great performances, Porto ‘s characters are so underwritten it is hard to connect with them or understand them.

JIGSAW: A Puzzle with Many Missing Pieces
JIGSAW: A Puzzle With Many Missing Pieces

Jigsaw may not be the worst installment in the Saw saga, but with essential pieces to the puzzle missing, there was much to be desired.

NOVITIATE: Melissa Leo's Bid For A Second Oscar
NOVITIATE: Melissa Leo’s Bid For A Second Oscar

The deliberate pace can test your patience but the depth and ambition of this original debut are enough to make Novitiate worth a watch.

BITCH: Bold, Hopeful & Fiercely Entertaining
BITCH: Bold, Hopeful & Fiercely Entertaining

Bitch is an energizing study of a deep-rooted societal problem told with boldness and a healthy scoop of humor.

IT HAPPENED IN L.A.: Wit & Realism In The Depiction Of Women
IT HAPPENED IN L.A.: Wit & Realism In The Depiction Of Women

It Happened in L.A. is a refreshingly realistic portrayal of relationships, showing how we chase ideals that are often impossible to fulfill.

THOR: RAGNAROK: A Beast Of Hollywood's Burden
THOR: RAGNAROK: A Beast Of Hollywood’s Burden

In the age of over-bloated Hollywood tentpoles and remakes, Thor: Ragnarok is truly King of the…

Bill Nye: Science Guy
BILL NYE: SCIENCE GUY: Scientist As Superhero

Readers of a certain age will fondly remember Bill Nye as their de facto substitute teacher,…

1922: A Man Unraveled By Guilt
1922: A Man Unraveled By Guilt

1922 is a movie experience that does its due diligence to fester, just like the body that resides at the center of Wilfred’s shame.

ONE OF US: A Fairly Effective Profile Of The Powerless

One of Us is a sometimes powerful portrayal of three Hasidic Jews, showing their struggles to get by in a world that oppresses them.