The Americans is a show that asks you to examine what exactly it is about capitalism that you like, the effect those aspects of it have on other people, and whether your lifestyle is ethical.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post hits on a topic that is contemporary and significant but it never handles this in a way that feels, for want of a better word, preachy.
There’s certainly fun to be had with this deeply silly slice of R-rated raunchiness, yet The Spy Who Dumped Me struggles to balance its crass brand of humor with shocking bursts of carnage.
Some may argue that Ripe, as with the previous three hours, takes the idea of ‘show, don’t tell’ a little too far; but that very concept is what ensures that Sharp Objects is the most compelling piece of work currently on television.
The Equalizer 2 takes the raw entertainment value of the original film, inverts it into something unflinchingly brutal, removes the quirks of its main character, and builds to an anticlimactic final battle.
Perhaps it’s due to the burden of excited expectations, but ultimately the sum that is Generation Wealth is never able to surpass its 25 years of parts.