United States

THE AMERICANS: A Brutal, But Timely, Spy Thriller
Looking Back On THE AMERICANS Series: A Brutal, But Timely, Spy Thriller

The Americans is a show that asks you to examine what exactly it is about capitalism that you like, the effect those aspects of it have on other people, and whether your lifestyle is ethical.

SUMMER OF '84: Relies Too Heavily On Nostalgia
SUMMER OF 84: Relies Too Heavily On Nostalgia

Summer of 84 strives in its scenes of tension and horror, but fails in its moments of childhood nostalgia and friendship.

HOW IT ENDS: Repetitive Disaster Story Runs Out Of Gas
HOW IT ENDS: Repetitive Disaster Story Runs Out Of Gas

Even with a good hook, How It Ends suffers from lack of vision becoming just a series of scenes that rarely congeals into anything substantial.

LARGER THAN LIFE: THE KEVYN AUCOIN STORY: The Man Who Expanded The Definition Of Beauty, One Face At A Time
LARGER THAN LIFE: THE KEVYN AUCOIN STORY: The Man Who Expanded The Definition Of Beauty, One Face At A Time

Larger Than Life: The Kevyn Aucoin Story is an intimate portrait of a man who sought to expand the definition of beauty through every face he touched.

THE MISEDUCATION OF CAMERON POST: Moretz Is Top Of The Class In Affecting Drama
THE MISEDUCATION OF CAMERON POST: Moretz Is Top Of The Class In Affecting Drama

The Miseducation of Cameron Post hits on a topic that is contemporary and significant but it never handles this in a way that feels, for want of a better word, preachy.

NIGHT COMES ON: Love As A Beacon In The Dark
NIGHT COMES ON: Love As A Beacon In The Dark

Night Comes On is a compelling depiction of loss, America’s system set up to fail people of color and the resilience of the human soul.

THE SPY WHO DUMPED ME: Mila Kunis & Kate McKinnon Save The World
THE SPY WHO DUMPED ME: Mila Kunis & Kate McKinnon Save The World

There’s certainly fun to be had with this deeply silly slice of R-rated raunchiness, yet The Spy Who Dumped Me struggles to balance its crass brand of humor with shocking bursts of carnage.

MADELINE’S MADELINE: A Wild Ride Into One Girl's Tortured Mind
MADELINE’S MADELINE: A Wild Ride Into One Girl’s Tortured Mind

With complicated and charismatic women at its center, Madeline’s Madeline manages to keep you hooked and never stops being fascinating to watch.

SHARP OBJECTS “Ripe” (S1E4): Hearts Race As We Hit Series Mid-Point

Some may argue that Ripe, as with the previous three hours, takes the idea of ‘show, don’t tell’ a little too far; but that very concept is what ensures that Sharp Objects is the most compelling piece of work currently on television.


Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood is a delightful look behind the curtain at a side of Hollywood kept so long in the dark.

MY EROTIC BODY: Breaking The Stigma Around Pole Dancing

My Erotic Body shows that a woman’s true erotic self is not defined by a specific body type, age, or what society deems as attractive.

THE EQUALIZER 2: Few Sparks Fly In This Second Outing
THE EQUALIZER 2: Few Sparks Fly In This Second Outing

The Equalizer 2 takes the raw entertainment value of the original film, inverts it into something unflinchingly brutal, removes the quirks of its main character, and builds to an anticlimactic final battle.

UNFRIENDED: DARK WEB: The Slasher Gets A Software Update
UNFRIENDED: DARK WEB: The Slasher Gets A Software Update

Unfriended: Dark Web shows that by tapping into modern communication, it’s possible to create a new cinematic language for the slasher sub-genre.

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - FALLOUT: Practical Effects Save The Day
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT: Practical Effects Save The Day

Mission: Impossible – Fallout finds Tom Cruise once again flying through action setpieces for our amusement; it is more than worth the ride.

GENERATION WEALTH: More Money, More Problems
GENERATION WEALTH: More Money, More Problems

Perhaps it’s due to the burden of excited expectations, but ultimately the sum that is Generation Wealth is never able to surpass its 25 years of parts.