Though an honest take on dating today may be In a Relationship’s aim, the lack of tension in how it explores the landscape leaves the relationships limp, flat, and more predictable.
Whereas kids might dismiss Ralph Breaks the Internet’s flaws for an uplifting swirl of inconsequential sugary adventure, adults might be hard-pressed in their quest to find nutritional value.
In this first edition of She Looks Back, we take a moment to look back at the Hitchc*ck inspired Last Embrace from director John Demme – a film that deserves a second look.
Another cinematic stab at Lisbeth Salander will always appeal to the character’s preexisting fans, but The Girl in the Spider’s Web does nothing to show the uninitiated what they’re missing.
If there is one film you see this holiday season, make it Lez Bomb. It’s a modern and hilarious take on coming out, during one of the most hectic and family oriented holidays of the year.