Happy Death Day 2U is like watching a million ideas hit the screen at the same time, progressively moving itself to shakier ground before losing any sense of narrative necessity.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World brings the franchise to a moving conclusion in a way that touches on very relevant themes about animal rights, growing up, and making sacrifices.
The Kid Who Would Be King is a surprisingly epic and spirited film, driven by an adventurous spirit and enough clever fun to keep things fresh during a sometimes long-winded ride.
The most surprising thing about High Flying Bird is how it takes a niche and seemingly uninteresting topic and finds a message of social importance within.
Despite some technical hiccups and the extremely low budget, Hunter’s Weekend is a well-made movie with a fascinating and very current angle on masculinity.
Fire on the Hill is an inspiring journey of building, rebuilding and reinforcing a community for the black community in Compton, away from the notorious factions that gave the city a dark reputation.