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GRETA: A Delightfully Divisive Thrill Ride
GRETA: A Delightfully Divisive Thrill Ride

Greta is an acquired taste that will frustrate some viewers while others will revel in its campy absurdities.

PADDLETON: Swims Against The Tide Of Onscreen Male Friendship
PADDLETON: Swims Against The Tide Of Onscreen Male Friendship

Films about serious illness have a tightrope to walk, to find the right balance for…

FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY: Swings Hard But Not A Total Knockout
FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY: Swings Hard But Not A Total Knockout

Fighting With My Family is a lovely little British gem and while it’s not perfect, Merchant shows admirable potential as a director.

THEY ALL LAUGHED: A Screwball Romance Deserving Reevaluation
THEY ALL LAUGHED: A Screwball Romance Deserving Reevaluation

The failure of They All Laughed marked the end of the New Hollywood era, but Bogdanovich’s screwball fantasy urgently needs a reevaluation.

1 BILLION ORGASMS: A Documentary in Need of Better Storytelling
1 BILLION ORGASMS: A Documentary In Need Of Better Storytelling

1 Billion Orgasms feels like the behind-the-scenes footage that is supposed to accompany the feature presentation.


Under the Eiffel Tower just doesn’t have the spirit that a rom-com needs, feeling like a first draft that should have never seen the light of day.

ISN’T IT ROMANTIC: An Empowering Story Disguised as a Self-Satisfied Satire
ISN’T IT ROMANTIC: An Empowering Story Disguised As A Self-Satisfied Satire

Isn’t It Romantic is not a game-changer in the romantic comedy sub-genre, but it’s a proud statement by Wilson that everyone should get behind.

WRESTLE: Grappling With Balance
WRESTLE: Grappling With Balance

Wrestle relies entirely on familiar story beats and its subject matter, shining in individual moments but not adding up to a satisfying whole.

LADY BIRD: Invisible perfection?
LADY BIRD: Invisible Perfection?

Lady Bird is one of the best modern coming of age stories, but the greatness likely stems from the small scenes many audiences might miss.

WHAT MEN WANT: Taraji P. Henson Carries This Formulaic Comedy Further Than Expected
WHAT MEN WANT: Taraji P. Henson Carries This Formulaic Comedy Further Than Expected

Like Ocean’s Eight before it, What Men Want is proof that it takes more than genderswapping to make something old new again.

THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: A Somber Tale Of Superheroes Makes For Engaging Television
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: A Somber Tale Of Superheroes Makes For Engaging Television

The Umbrella Academy is an exciting and free-spirited edition to Netflix’s catalog of binge-able TV series.

THE AMITYVILLE MURDERS: A Supernatural, Tasteless Snoozefest
THE AMITYVILLE MURDERS: A Supernatural, Tasteless Snoozefest

The Amityville Murders is a film that should be avoided at all costs. It doesn’t succeed as a horror film, nor as a supernatural thriller.

THE PRODIGY: Prodigious Ambition, Lackluster Results
THE PRODIGY: Prodigious Ambition, Lackluster Results

If you looked past the gaping plot holes and equally detestable jump-scares, there is a scare or two to be had in The Prodigy.

HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U: Genre-Bending Sequel Goes Off The Rails
HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U: Genre-Bending Sequel Goes Off The Rails

Happy Death Day 2U is like watching a million ideas hit the screen at the same time, progressively moving itself to shakier ground before losing any sense of narrative necessity.

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN WORLD: Visually Dazzling End To Heartfelt Trilogy
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN WORLD: Visually Dazzling End To Heartfelt Trilogy

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World brings the franchise to a moving conclusion in a way that touches on very relevant themes about animal rights, growing up, and making sacrifices.