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GLORIA BELL: Julianne Moore Delivers A Dazzling Performance

While Gloria Bell might be almost a carbon copy of 2013’s Gloria, the film demonstrates how much Sebastián Lelio has evolved as a director over the past six years.

TRIPLE FRONTIER: An Uneven Crime Thriller Bolstered By An Excellent Cast
TRIPLE FRONTIER: An Uneven Crime Thriller Bolstered By An Excellent Cast

The film’s attempts at multiple genres may not blend together, but the talented cast and direction by Chandor help raise it above its flaws.

TRADING PAINT: The World of Auto Racing, Only Slower
TRADING PAINT: The World Of Auto Racing, Only Slower

Fast cars. Squealing tires. Roaring engines. Screaming fans — are all nowhere to be found in this dull as dirt car racing snooze-fest.

THE AFTERMATH: A Sizzling Drama Lacking Originality
THE AFTERMATH: A Sizzling Drama Lacking Originality

While groundbreaking or original, The Aftermath is worth seeing for the enticing performances and striking ambience that it establishes.

SXSW Review: BOOKSMART: How is this Olivia Wilde’s Debut?!
SXSW 2019 Review: BOOKSMART: How Is This Olivia Wilde’s Debut?!

Just when I thought coming-of-age fatigue is about to kick in, Booksmart overwhelms with its confident energy and wisdom.

SXSW 2019 Review: THE HIGHWAYMEN: An Interesting Story In Need Of Tightening

The Highwaymen is a well-intentioned Western drama that takes a new perspective on the Bonnie & Clyde mythology, but it needs another run at tightening the runtime.

THE KID: A Bland, Disjointed Take On A Classic Story
THE KID: A Bland, Disjointed Take On A Classic Story

The Kid, directed by Vincent D’Onofrio and written by Andrew Lanham, is a take on…

SXSW Review: THE ART OF SELF-DEFENSE: Infectious Deadpan Comedy At Its Finest
SXSW 2019 Review: THE ART OF SELF-DEFENSE: Infectious Deadpan Comedy

The Art of Self-Defense is not only a must-see, it’s an easy contender for the best film of the year so far.

APOLLO 11: A Visually Outstanding And Remarkable Piece of Filmmaking
APOLLO 11: A Visually Outstanding Piece Of Filmmaking

Apollo 11 is a visually outstanding and remarkably visceral piece of filmmaking that pieces the much fragmented and daunting narrative together.

SXSW Review: THE DAY SHALL COME: A Flat Piece of Satire With No Aim
SXSW 2019 Review: THE DAY SHALL COME: A Flat Piece Of Satire With No Aim

The Day Shall Come is so cartoonish that it just doesn’t feel believable or possible, let alone historical fact.

THE WEDDING GUEST: A Thriller With No Real Identity
THE WEDDING GUEST: A Thriller With No Real Identity

While Dev Patel brings the best performance possible, it’s hard to root for any characters in The Wedding Guest, with a story that never really knows what it wants to be.

Long Shot is an absolute must-see if you are a fan of Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen.
SXSW 2019 Review: LONG SHOT: Run For President, Charlize Theron!

A pleasant surprise, Long Shot is an absolute must-see if you are a fan of Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen.

THE HOLE IN THE GROUND: Not Perfect, But Promising For Lee Cronin
THE HOLE IN THE GROUND: Not Perfect, But Promising For Lee Cronin

The Hole in the Ground is the rare film which would have benefited from being less subtlety and amping up the craziness to achieve the desired sense of unease.

SXSW Review: US: An Even Bigger Home Run for Jordan Peele
SXSW 2019 Review: US: An Even Bigger Home Run For Jordan Peele

Us embraces puzzling imagery and timing to evoke a sense of interpretative meaning, which leads to personal intimacy with the viewer.

SXSW: HER SMELL: The Riot Grrrl Epic VOX LUX Wished it Was
SXSW 2019 Review: HER SMELL: The Riot Grrrl Epic VOX LUX Wished it Was

Her Smell never overstays its welcome, thanks to a stellar ensemble, Alex Ross Perry’s solid script, and Elisabeth Moss’s powerhouse performance.