What the show lacks in the easy charm of simplicity, it makes up for in a deeper emotional connection. Lovesick doesn’t replace the rom-com, it just offers a new, often improved, take on it.
With the talent involved and the potential of its revisionist take on Golden Age Hollywood, Netflix’s Hollywood provides minor thrills where it promised major dramatic power.
As the final season of Clone Wars dipped further and further into the timeline of Revenge of the Sith, it was apparent that we were going to see Ahsoka have to face Order 66 on her own.
From its aggressive ambitions to tackle a lot of things to its unsubtle and heavy-handed melodrama approach, Little Fires Everywhere obviously suffers from most of it.
In The English Teacher, the penultimate episode, the team behind Homeland delivers a stellar story, weaving the various threads through the loom into a masterful tapestry.
From the stunning visual and production design to the stellar direction, nearly all aspects of Tales from the Loop are crafted perfectly with care and a lot of heart.