Picture a world where women live in fear of men’s violent outbursts. This all too relevant scenario is where episode 7 of the Twilight Zone reboot begins.
Journeys, both literal and figurative, play a significant role in this very first episode of The Spanish Princess. Katy Kostakis reviews.
Game of Thrones’ bad writing of Sansa and Brienne and the racially fraught implications of the episode’s ending, make this episode a huge letdown.
While bowing out to a mostly satisfying conclusion, Shadowhunters did enough to quench our desire for more.
There are many questions left with only two episodes left this season of Riverdale, everything coming together in an intense turn of events.
There are many questions after “Fear the Reaper”, some I think we may have to wait until Riverdale returns next season to get full answers.
American Gods will be back for a Season 3 with a lot of story to unpack as the show seems to be just vamping up.
With lots to wrap up before the two hour finale, dedicated fans of Shadowhunters can only hope that everything is brought to the finish line.
While it’s plot is relatively flimsy, American Woman thrives on the basis of its powerful performances, particularly those from Hong Chau and Sarah Gadon.
With only one episode left in the season, American Gods has to create some tension amongst its cast of characters.
Game of Thrones spent so much time drumming up the battle with the Dead, that everything that comes after will be second fiddle in intensity and importance.
So many TV shows run out of steam midway through their run. Luckily, Film Inquiry have put together a guide to help keep your show fresh.