Heading into the final part of the third season, decisions need to be made, soon, to solidify this show’s position. What’s the endgame? Who is June going to be?
While men have come in and out of Fleabag’s life, her relationship with Claire has been the defining relationship of the series, making Fleabag the ultimate love letter to sisterhood.
While there are aspects that resonate and are bound to create waves that may be engaging,The Handmaid’s Tale ”Under His Eye” is also one of the weakest of the season so far.
The Handmaid’s Tale “Household” is redolent with disturbing new discoveries, and plenty of reminders of how dark and dirty the government of Gilead can be.
While it’s a hard watch, Too Old To Die Young is Nicolas Winding Refn’s finest work – a series to be savoured, mulled over and discovered again and again.
Whilst some of the standard-bearers for this era invite us to far-flung worlds, FX’s Pose takes us just 30 years into the past to discover New York’s ballroom scene.
Director Colin Watkinson serves up a dynamite episode of The Handmaid’s Tale with “Unknown Caller”, one that builds with stomach churning intensity and ends with a bang.