Cowboys is Anna Kerrigan’s delicate and modestly subversive take on the Western, in which a father violates his parole and pulls his son away from an unpleasant upbringing.
Fairytale is an interesting take on the story of a transgender woman’s transition, set against the backdrop of external threats of UFOs, communism and a picture-perfect 1950s setting.
Romeos gets points for being one of the few films out there about a trans-man who gets a happy ending, but it is mired in unlikable characters who run the gamut of stereotypes.
We spoke with actress Nicole Maines about the new queer film Bit, what intrigued her about the script, trans representation, season 5 of Supergirl, and more.
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson is a rewarding experience and a tragic story filled with heartbreaking real-life characters, but their own humor and joy helps to balance out the very grim tidings.
Saturday Church is a story of hope and redemption and yet another “need to see” tale, of a group of people deemed “different” by society, that ends up proving how alike we all actually are.