
What with Disney giving all their classic animated films the live-action treatment, it was only a matter of time until we’d get a live-action Jungle Book. The trailer is impressive, but the giant amount of CGI on display here does make you wonder: it must’ve been hard for new-kid-on-the-block Neel Sethi, who plays Mowgli, to interact with all the green screens and actors fitted with giant motion capture suits.

It’s a feel-good comedy but way more ridiculous than I expected. Most often, a feel-good comedy is centered around tame jokes and a situation that is easily identifiable. This film seems to be based around a young man’s coming-of-age through time spent with a retired CIA assassin suffering a terminal illness.

I flipped the final page of Andy Weir’s “The Martian” a couple of weeks ago. Thousands of other people have done the exact same thing since, and we all had similar motivations. I didn’t do it because I had heard good things about the book (at least, that was not the primary reason); rather, I did it because Ridley Scott’s adaptation of the book will be released in theaters this October.