Chuck once boxed Muhammad Ali, but he still handles a parent-teacher conference like a bull in a china shop. Check out the trailer.
Writer/director Sarah Adina Smith and star Rami Malek inspect the trustworthiness of the human mind in BUSTER’S MAL HEART.
Lowriders is directed by Ricardo de Montreuil and stars Demián Bichir, Gabriel Chavarria, Theo Rossi and Eva Longoria.
War Machine is Netflix’s potentially unpopular war satire, taking jabs at America’s strategy in Afghanistan while troops are still fighting.
While A GHOST STORY just has a man under a white sheet, and won’t elicit sharp fear, it’s a film that’ll linger; the way death is wont to do.
Opening in theaters this week are Their Finest, Mine, Smurfs: The Lost Village, Going in Style and more! We compiled the info & trailers.
Richard Gere is NORMAN, who had a moderate rise, but tragic fall as a New York fixer. Coming to cinemas on April 14.
Justice League is directed by Zach Snyder and stars Gal Gadot, Ben Affleck, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, and Ray Fisher.
A Quiet Passion is going to be a very interesting biopic on the life of Emily Dickinson (Cynthia Nixon) – one to look out for!
Opening in US cinemas this week are The Zookeeper’s Wife, The Boss Baby, Ghost In The Shell and more. We’ve compiled the info & trailers.
Director Joe Swanberg’s brand of improvisational character pieces has been successful before and he returns to Netflix with Win It All.
In Cristian Mungiu’s Graduation, a father is trying to keep his daughter’s future together after a violent attack.
Hollywood has been testing the waters with raunchy, female-driven comedies for years now, but none have boasted the box office firepower of Rough Night.
Films coming to theaters this week are Life, Power Rangers, Slamma Jamma, Wilson, and more. We compiled the info & trailers.
Humans aren’t the only living creatures sent off to war. In Megan Leavey, a female marine fights to get her dog back.