

The Insidious franchise has quietly grown to be one of the most impressive and contemporary horror- and Insidious: The Last Key is another solid entry, despite the January release date.


Though occasionally unsurprising, Better Watch out is a strong alternative to the regular holiday viewing because of the nasty genre thrills it delivers whilst being wickedly funny.

MOM AND DAD: Kids, It's No Longer Safe To Go Home
MOM AND DAD: Kids, It’s No Longer Safe To Go Home

Mom and Dad maintains its absurdity, while not completely abandoning its eerie core, sensitively playing off a very personal, instinctual source of parents defending their young – until they become prey.

Identity And Destruction In Luca Guadagnino's Desire Trilogy
Identity & Destruction In Luca Guadagnino’s Desire Trilogy

Director Luca Guadagnino’s three previous films, including critical favourite Call Me By Your Name, couldn’t seem any more different from the outside. All three are linked by the theme of desire- but does that reverberate into a thematically coherent trilogy?

MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS: Losing Steam To The Big Screen
MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS: Losing Steam To The Big Screen

Though containing some elegant set design and impressive cinematography, Murder on the Orient Express can’t quite intrigue you to the potential that it could’ve, due to underdeveloped characters and an anticlimactic final reveal.

NOCTURAMA: We Are Our Own Worst Enemies
NOCTURAMA: We Are Our Own Worst Enemies

From France, Nocturama is an unusual film about disillusioned teenagers that commit an act of terrorism; unsurprisingly, it provides no easy answers.

The Fright Stuff: Interview with Paul Cotgrove, director of the UK's Horror-on-Sea film festival
The Fright Stuff: Interview With Paul Cotgrove, Director Of The UK’s Horror-On-Sea Film Festival

Paul Cotgrove’s Horror on Sea festival is championed by up and coming genre filmmakers across the world. Film Inquiry met with Paul to find out why his small seaside festival has become a phenomenon.

COMPLIANCE: Making Us Question Authority
COMPLIANCE: Making Us Question Authority

Based on true events, Compliance is a film about the police and following authority – it’s compelling, if also extremely disturbing as well.

BRAWL IN CELL BLOCK 99: A Smart & Visceral Thrill Ride
BRAWL IN CELL BLOCK 99: A Smart & Visceral Thrill Ride

Director S. Craig Mahler follows up Bone Tomahawk with Brawl In Cell Block 99, an unflinchingly violent and truly original revenge thriller.

CHAMELEON: Brutality Meets Banality
CHAMELEON: Brutality Meets Banality

Heavily reminiscent of Michael Haneke’s Funny Games, Chameleon boasts three great performances – but still leaves a sour aftertaste.

THELMA: The Horror – And The Power – Of Finding Yourself

Thelma is an otherworldly take on the coming-of-age film, telling the story of a girl starting college and discovering herself in the process.

CHAMELEON: Standing Out For The Wrong Reasons
CHAMELEON: Standing Out For The Wrong Reasons

Chilean film Chameleon depicts horrific sexual abuse of women, and doesn’t do enough to redeem itself; it is nothing but exploitative.

Beginner's Guide: Paul Verhoeven
Beginner’s Guide: Paul Verhoeven, Director

Paul Verhoeven is a distinguished director in the cinematic world of the past few decades; here is a rundown of his career.

24 HOURS TO LIVE: A Bad Movie, But A Fun One
24 HOURS TO LIVE: A Bad Movie, But A Fun One

24 Hours to Live may be riddled with plot holes and clichés, but thanks to a committed Ethan Hawke and some fun action, it’s a decent time.

ANGELICA: An Absorbing and Unusual Victorian Ghost Story
ANGELICA: An Absorbing & Unusual Victorian Ghost Story

It may have been sat on the shelf for three years, but Angelica is worth the wait- a slow burning period piece that’s quietly powerful.