
THE TWILIGHT ZONE: "Replay" (S1E3): Unsubtle Storytelling Undermines A Powerful Message
THE TWILIGHT ZONE (S1E3) “Replay”: Unsubtle Storytelling Undermines A Powerful Message

Three episodes in and the new Twilight Zone has been way too blatant so far, hopefully the remaining episodes aren’t as predictable.

THE BURIAL OF KOJO: Aesthetic Over Everything
THE BURIAL OF KOJO: Aesthetic Over Everything

The Burial of Kojo is an aesthetically accomplished debut for Sam Blitz Bazawule, but the narrative itself is far from perfect.


The Hummingbird Project is hell-bent on becoming a conventional thriller, never grappling with the theme of money’s corrupting influence.

MEME: A Cluttered, But Invitingly Ambitious Existentialist Mystery

Meme can be a brilliant thriller when it wants to be, but there is a heck of a lot of philosophising bridging those tenser moments.

SXSW 2019 Review: THE CURSE OF LA LLORONA: No Soul To This Tale

The Curse of La Llorona is not original enough to stand on its own, relying too intently on jumpscares and with not enough focus on the characters around them.

PET SEMATARY: Uninspired, Middle-Of-The-Road Adaptation
PET SEMATARY: Uninspired, Middle-Of-The-Road Adaptation

The latest adaptation of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary has some interesting new ideas, but it never quite reaches liftoff.

THE TWILIGHT ZONE: A Reminder to Revisit the Original Series Instead
THE TWILIGHT ZONE S1E1&2: A Reminder To Revisit The Original Series Instead

While Peele’s The Twilight Zone is an improvement compared to the previous reboots, viewers are better off revisiting Serling’s original series.

The Excruciating Sadness Within TWIN PEAKS
The Excruciating Sadness Within TWIN PEAKS

Behind the grief, behind BOB, lies the simple reality that Twin Peaks pushes: that the dream of suburbia and happiness that America sells may be a lie.

FINDING STEVE MCQUEEN: True Stories Can Only Carry You So Far
FINDING STEVE MCQUEEN: True Stories Can Only Carry You So Far

Finding Steve McQueen is an unfortunately dull heist film, bogged down by unnecessary subplots and a lack of overall energy.

A VIGILANTE: Women Flip The Script
A VIGILANTE: Women Flip The Script

Even as it skims too lightly over its complex themes, A Vigilante manages to capture a resilience and toughness that often goes unhailed on film.

TRANSIT: A Masterful Meditation On Life, Death & Limbo
TRANSIT: A Masterful Meditation On Life, Death & Limbo

Transit cements Christian Petzold’s status as a modern storytelling master. A film of surreal, sad beauty, it should not be missed.

SXSW Review: PET SEMATARY: It’s Back… But is it the Same?
SXSW 2019 Review: PET SEMATARY: It’s Back… But Is It The Same?

Pet Sematary, in this critic’s opinion, is a constant battle between excessive production and exceptional performances.

FIGHT CLUB: The Movie, The Myth, The Legacy
FIGHT CLUB: The Movie, The Myth, The Legacy

In the age of toxic masculinity at its most unbearably malignant, Fight Club is still an effective parody of the spread of hate between generations.

OUT OF BLUE: An Ambitious but unfocused existential crime thriller
OUT OF BLUE: An Ambitious But Unfocused Existential Crime Thriller

Out of Blue can’t be faulted for its ambitions, but there’s a lack of focus, oscillating wildly between genres and never satisfying as any.

CAPTIVE STATE: A Far From Captivating Alien Invasion Sci-Fi
CAPTIVE STATE: A Far From Captivating Alien Invasion Sci-Fi

With a premise filled with potential and talent both in front of and behind the screen, Captive State is an unfortunate disappointment.