With a return to its roots, AHS 1984 is stronger than it has been in a long time, delivering the horror and the entertainment of genre films of the past.
Bong Joon-ho has put together an intricate, multi-layered portrait of inequality and class. At the same time, he keeps the experience fun and intoxicating.
Low Tide is a tactile, explosive study of masculinity, an exploration of what boys do, what makes them do it, and how they need to learn to stick up to each other.
With its straightforward premise and non-stop action, The Raid: Redemption is a future action classic that helped shine a light on the Indonesian film industry.
Temptingly measuring suspense and psychological anguish, A Dark Foe doesn’t always fulfill its thematic potential, but the effort ensnares you in its grip.
While it’s true that film as a medium is intrinsically subjective, it seems pretty clear amongst viewers with knowledge of film that Parasite will go down as a classic.