
TIFF 19: Beautiful Traitors in Assayas' WASP NETWORK
WASP NETWORK: Assayas’ Spy Thriller Bites Off More Than It Can Chew

Wasp Network’s bites off far more than it can chew, there’s no denying this all-star cast makes up for what is lost in plot.

BLACK CHRISTMAS: Smashes The Patriarchy With Strong Women
BLACK CHRISTMAS: Smashes The Patriarchy With Strong Women

Black Christmas is angry, terrifying, empowering even – all that surrounded with the threatening notes of holiday songs playing in the background and a stalker out to get you.

LECTION: A Poorly Paced Post-Apocalyptic Political Thriller
LECTION: A Poorly Paced Post-Apocalyptic Political Thriller

Lection has potential to be a thriller with political undertones, but feels more like a basic metaphorical statement thrown over the top of a slow-paced film.

THE GOOD LIAR: Lies & Deceit Can't Cover Up The Mess At The Center Of This Misfire
THE GOOD LIAR: Lies & Deceit Can’t Cover Up The Mess At The Center Of This Misfire

The Good Liar features great performances from Ian McKellen and Helen Mirren, but the film can’t overcome other problems. Chris Cassingham reviews.

I SEE YOU: A Film With A Twist Or Two — Or Three
I SEE YOU: A Film With A Twist Or Two – Or Three

I See You is a well-crafted head-scratcher even if it doesn’t seem so at first.

THE WOLF HOUR: The Insanity Within Art
THE WOLF HOUR: The Insanity Within Art

While the film may lose a few along the way due to its drawn out pace, many will find themselves enthralled with what The Wolf Hour has to offer.

RADIOFLASH: Thrillers Should Have Thrills, Right?

Not even the great acting of Brighton Sharbino or Will Patton can save Radioflash from its middling existence.

The Intensity Of Indie Horror In DANIEL ISN'T REAL: Interview With Director Adam Egypt Mortimer
The Intensity Of Indie Horror In DANIEL ISN’T REAL: Interview With Director Adam Egypt Mortimer

Michael Frank spoke with writer and director Adam Egypt Mortimer about the mental health, childhood and inspiration for his film Daniel Isn’t Real.

KNIVES OUT: Rian Johnson's Suspenseful Lampoon of the 1%
KNIVES OUT: Rian Johnson’s Suspenseful Lampoon Of The 1%

For all its faults, Knives Out is a brisk and often engaging film that will provide audiences a moderately enjoyable ride.

Animal Among Us: The Real Monster Was Boredom All Along
ANIMAL AMONG US: The Real Monster Was Boredom All Along

Generic in all the worst ways, Animal Among Us is poorly executed, feeling like a throwback to the worst of mid 2000’s horror.

THE END OF THE F***ING WORLD SEASON 2: A F***ing Solemn But Inessential Addition
THE END OF THE F***ING WORLD SEASON 2: A F***ing Solemn But Inessential Addition

Not as impactful or satisfying as its daring predecessor, The End of the F***ing World is not the end of the world, but it’s not a crucial send-off either.

EARTHQUAKE BIRD: Psychological Thriller Starts Off Strong But Veers Off Balance

Earthquake Bird is likely to be but a blip in the filmography of both its stars and director.

AHS 1984 (S9 E 8,9) "Rest in Pieces" & "Final Girl": The Final Episodes
AHS 1984 (S9E8,9) “Rest in Pieces” & “Final Girl”: The Final Episodes

In a compassionate ending, the season wraps up with a happy ending for all, a rarity for American Horror Story.

DANIEL ISN’T REAL: Third Acts Are Hard
DANIEL ISN’T REAL: Third Acts Are Hard

While the tone, look and disturbing special effects will enthrall audiences in the beginning, Daniel Isn’t Real misses the mark in its third act.

From Prince of the City to King of the World: Why 2006 was Leonardo DiCaprio’s Defining Year
From Prince Of The City To King Of The World: Why 2006 Was Leonardo DiCaprio’s Defining Year

Lorna Codrai looks at why 2006 was the most pivotal year of DiCaprio’s career, a year change him from a Prince to King of the World