
THE LOVEBIRDS: I Think We Should See Other People
THE LOVEBIRDS: I Think We Should See Other People

At the end of the day, The Lovebirds feels like a bad first date. You go in full of hope and a mind for flirting and fun and leave without a meaningful connection.

Interview With Vaughn Stein, Director Of INHERITANCE
Interview With Vaughn Stein, Director Of INHERITANCE

We spoke with director Vaughn Stein about his upcoming film Inheritance, working with Simon Pegg and Lily Collins, his next film, and more.

BODY CAM: A Twisted Supernatural Cop Thriller Brimming With Undiluted Fury
BODY CAM: A Twisted Supernatural Cop Thriller Brimming With Undiluted Fury

Malik Vitthal’s Body Cam is a forbidding tale of revenge that comes at you with speciously righteous fury, and that fury lingers.

No Sympathy For The Shooter: Contrasting TARGETS (1968) & JOKER (2019) In An Era Of Mass Shootings
No Sympathy For The Shooter: Contrasting TARGETS (1968) & JOKER (2019) In An Era Of Mass Shootings

As we reflect on this modern phenomenon and our fear of it in film, we must be careful not to make the same errors as the media has made in covering mass shootings.

DANGEROUS LIES: A Lackluster Whodunnit
DANGEROUS LIES: A Lackluster Whodunnit

Dangerous Lies isn’t a terrible film. If you set your expectations appropriately, it can actually be an entertaining movie.

KILLING EVE (S3E6) "End Of Game": Everyone Is Off Their Games
KILLING EVE (S3E6) “End Of Game”: Everyone Is Off Their Games

With only two episodes left, and with everyone off their games, everything could turn into fireworks by the end of this season of Killing Eve.

CASTLE IN THE GROUND: An Effective, But Muddled Drama
CASTLE IN THE GROUND: An Effective, But Muddled Drama

Castle In The Ground is undeniably effective in its portrayal of the opioid crisis, but loses itself in its hopeless narrative. Maria Lattila reviews.

BLOOD AND MONEY: Snowbound Thriller As Imaginative As Its Title
BLOOD AND MONEY: Snowbound Thriller As Imaginative As Its Title

Blood and Money is so content to occupy the safe middle ground without ever doing anything of interest, that it feels like a heartless exercise.

KILLING EVE (S3E5) “Are You From Pinner?”: Not Your Typical Mother’s Day

We review episode 5 of the third season of Killing Eve.

THE STRANGER: Make This Your Next Must See
THE STRANGER Season 1: Make This Your Next Must See

Gripping and irresistible, The Stranger will have you holding your breath and on the edge of your seat until the final moments.

EMA: Finding Liberation In Flame And Reggaeton Dance
EMA: Finding Liberation In Flame & Reggaeton Dance

Ema is not like any other film that has come out this year so far. Its celebration of female agency is like a fever dream — indescribable and euphoric.

KILLING EVE (S3E4) "Still Got It": The Worst Birthday Ever
KILLING EVE (S3E4) “Still Got It”: The Worst Birthday Ever

When compared to the previous three episodes, ‘Still Got It’ is by far the strongest installment of season three of Killing Eve.

ARKANSAS: A Southern-Fried Epic

Arkansas is beautifully constructed and represents its subject in every solitary element.

KILLING EVE (S3E3) "Meetings Have Biscuits": A Kiss To Remember
KILLING EVE (S3E3) “Meetings Have Biscuits”: A Kiss To Remember

The third episode of Killing Eve gives us a little hope that maybe there’s still some part of the show that can have a lot of fun despite its dark and bloody premise.

THE FLOOD: More Of A Drip Than A Flood
THE FLOOD: More Of A Drip Than A Flood

Although it seems to promise an unvarnished view of a topical issue, ultimately The Flood’s refusal to pick a side robs it of any real purpose.