
NITRAM: An Ice-Cold Examination of Evil

Nitram is a potboiling study of human fragility that doesn’t heal our scars so much as it asks us to accept that they are here to stay.

Horrific Inquiry: THE WICKER MAN (1973)
Horrific Inquiry: THE WICKER MAN (1973)

And with harvest season upon us, it seemed the perfect time to dive into this critically acclaimed horror classic.

TIFF21 Report 3: The Mad Women’s Ball, Out of Sync & I’m Your Man
TIFF21 Report 3: The Mad Women’s Ball, Out of Sync & I’m Your Man

Kristy Strouse shares her third report from the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival with reviews for The Mad Women’s Ball, Out of Sync & I’m Your Man.


Sion Sono’s English-language debut stars Nicholas Cage as a criminal forced to track down the granddaughter of an Old West-meets-Mad Max warlord.

MALIGNANT: A Demented Experience You Do Not Want To Miss
MALIGNANT: A Demented Experience You Do Not Want To Miss

A bloodbath cleverly executed through its gore, narrative and technical execution, Malignant is the horror film of the year, one that promises a terrifying and demented edge-of-your-seat experience from start to finish.


When one looks beyond the immediate novelty of the film’s title, one is taken aback by how dull and derivative Yakuza Princess actually is.

Horrific Inquiry: THE UNINVITED (2009)
Horrific Inquiry: THE UNINVITED (2009)

Despite some predictable plotlines, it doesn’t take away from the quality, experience, and entertainment The Uninvited promises to its audience.

TATORT STREETS OF BERLIN Crime Scene Shenanigans Straight from Germany
TATORT: STREETS OF BERLIN: Crime Scene Shenanigans Straight from Germany

Tatort: Streets of Berlin is a crime show with collaborative efforts across regional television studios in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.

Horrific Inquiry: LES DIABOLIQUES (1955)
Horrific Inquiry: LES DIABOLIQUES (1955)

Les Diaboliques’ intriguing and twisting story will keep you guessing, entertained and horrified, while showcasing the craftsmanship behind the classic.

THE NIGHT HOUSE: A Horror With Two Personalities
THE NIGHT HOUSE: A Horror With Two Personalities

The Night House is a kaleidoscope of creaks and whispers, playing with anticipation and stretching it as far as it can go.

SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW: Sign Us Up For Another Chapter
SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW: Sign Us Up For Another Chapter

While it is less gory, especially in the film’s conclusion, it leaves a twist and an ending that speaks to the possibility of more films to come.

THE TOLL A Wicked Welsh Western
THE TOLL: A Wicked Welsh Western

Ryan Andrew Hooper’s The Toll is a Welsh Western that takes its cues from Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven and flips them on their head.

THE BOY BEHIND THE DOOR: A Horror Film That Wants To Be More
THE BOY BEHIND THE DOOR: A Horror Film That Wants To Be More

The Boy Behind the Door boasts some incredible shots, framing marrying with its lighting, crafting intrigue, and lasting impressions.

DUAL MANIA: Putting The 'Psycho' In Psychosis
DUAL MANIA: Putting The ‘Psycho’ In Psychosis

While it might feel out of touch with reality, it’s in the more personal aspects of his story that it manages to keep itself from falling off the deep end.

TILL DEATH: An Empty Film With Empty Vows
TILL DEATH: An Empty Film With Empty Vows

Slow and overall boring, Till Death only slightly leans into the intensity and intrigue it promises.