Scuba, the feature debut of writer-director Jacob Vaus, tells the story of two outsiders who find each other just when they need to.
The 3-part series highlights her ambitious career in front of the camera and behind.
For May & Nichols savants, as well as the newly initiated, this will propagate their legacies, giving us a deeper look into their individual outlooks.
Film Inquiry recently spoke with Peter Kim and Oswin Benjamin about their experiences working on Radha Blank’s film, The Forty-Year-Old Version.
In Judy & Punch, Foulkes brings dimension and nuance to rather ancient customs, and places backwards-thinking and primitive male behaviour under the microscope of social justice.
In the battle between Spielberg and Netflix, it is not about the cinematic experience, rather than profitable business plan.
The Merry Wives of Windsor can be enjoyed by all whether you are versed or have no knowledge of the works of Shakespeare.
With complicated and charismatic women at its center, Madeline’s Madeline manages to keep you hooked and never stops being fascinating to watch.
As well as getting a chance to check out witty theatrical drama The Great Pretender at Tribecca Film Festival, Film Inquiry’s Kristy Strouse also got to speak to director Nathan Silver about his film.
We spoke with Executive Director Dave Cowen of The Roxie Theater in San Francisco about the art of screening celluloid film and how they keep film alive.
The Mummy, while primed to be an intelligent blockbuster, lacks a cohesive storyline, solid characters and originality.