Sean Fallon considers another episode of The Simpsons in his quest to find the all-time greatest episode. Is “Homer’s Barbershop Quartet” it?
In this latest episode of The Simpsons Greatest Hits, we look back at the side hustle and catchy jingle of “Mr. Plow”.
In this latest episode of The Simpsons Greatest Hits, we look at the multi guest starring 1992 baseball episode Homer at the Bat.
In this latest episode of The Simpsons greatest hits, we look at an early prequel episode introducing the love story of Homer and Marge in “The WayWe Was”.
In this latest episode of The Simpsons greatest hits, we look at the early Halloween special Treehouse of Horror II.
In this latest series of The Simpsons Greatest Hits, we discuss the episode Bart Sells His Soul, a darker episode for the character.
Our quest to find the greatest Simpsons episode continues, with “A Streetcar Named Marge,” a parody of A Streetcar Named Desire.
In the second of this series breaking down the best Simpsons episodes, Sean Fallon takes a look at season 4’s “Homer the Heretic”.
In the first of this series breaking down the best Simpsons episodes, Sean Fallon takes a look at season 4’s Last Exit to Springfield.