The Truth About Killer Robots is an essential part of the ever-evolving debate as to where our civilization currently is, and where it may ultimately be heading.
A striking cautionary tale with authentic performances, Searching is a small thriller whose computer-screen gimmick actually elevates its subject matter.
Will humans ever be able to travel at speeds faster than light? Will we ever go into hyperspace, subspace, or jump between stars? Let’s dive into the science.
Strong acting, wonderful direction, and a mostly alluring script overcome a somewhat commonplace story (in this day and age) with familiar themes in Extinction.
Bleeding Steel is a chaotic and extravagant attempt to imitate the futuristic settings of other box office fare of its time, which only highlighted the throwback quality of the central character.
Jax Griffin was initially extremely sceptical of the possibilities of virtual reality, but as she explored the VR projects available during the SXSW VR expo and spoke with the creators, she soon changed her mind.
D’Inked: A Tattoo Removal Documentary delves into the world of tattoos and the people who subsequently decide to have theirs removed, showing the arduous process and how it has changed the culture of tattoos.
The importance and brilliance of colour in film cannot be stressed enough. Colour has the amazing ability to grab the audience’s attention, foreshadow information and control or influence emotion consciously and/or subliminally.
We spoke with Executive Director Dave Cowen of The Roxie Theater in San Francisco about the art of screening celluloid film and how they keep film alive.