A rare superhero movie that highlights the ordinary alongside the extraordinary, Fast Color is a bold and breathtaking spin on the genre that deserves to be seen as widely as any movie released under the Marvel banner.
Hellboy is an unfortunate example of how a R-rated superhero film could go wrong. It’s violent, but to a fault, lacking humor, substance, or a compelling story to go along with it.
Love it or hate it, Captain Marvel gives an empowering ethos, secured with a talented cast that makes this movie-going experience on par with previous entries.
Glass may have been a film nineteen years in the making, but it feels superfluous and incredibly out of touch in a world littered with superhero films.
From the brooding Dark Knight through the bulk of the MCU and into the Spider-Verse, the superhero spectrum showcases the many ways in which the genre can adapt and evolve.
Aquaman is not really a bad movie by DC’s standards, but it is the weirdest thing they’ve made in recent years by a country mile – and not always in a good way.