
WATCHMEN (S1E4) “If You Don’t Like My Story, Write Your Own”: Raises The Stakes
WATCHMEN (S1E4) “If You Don’t Like My Story, Write Your Own”: Raises The Stakes

Watchmen has hit a little under the halfway point, the pins are being set up and knocked down at the bat of an eye, and it just keeps getting more and more clever every week.

WATCHMEN (S1 E3) “She Was Killed By Space Junk”: Laughs To The Finish Line
WATCHMEN (S1E3) “She Was Killed By Space Junk”: Laughs To The Finish Line

Like the novel that came before it, Watchmen elaborates on its characters’ futures vs their pasts in ways only the author can imagine.

WATCHMEN (S1 E2) "Martial Feats Of Comanche Horsemanship": Lives With The Spirit Of The Comic
WATCHMEN (S1 E2) “Martial Feats Of Comanche Horsemanship”: Lives With The Spirit Of The Comic

Watchmen is a bit of a weird one right now. Looking back on these episodes it seems rather confusing, because that’s just how it is.

RAISING DION Season 1: An Indie Comic Justly Translated Onto The Small Screen
RAISING DION Season 1: An Indie Comic Justly Translated Onto The Small Screen

Raising Dion enlivens the superhero genre by offering a fresh tone and concept, and it also has some subtle messages that resonate with personal growth and sociopolitical challenges still being faced today.

ARROW (S8E1) "Starling City": The Beginning Of The End
ARROW (S8E1) “Starling City”: The Beginning Of The End

Arrow has kicked off its final season with a mostly entertaining and emotionally engaging episode.

THE BOYS (S1E7+8) "The Self Preservation Society" & "You Found Me": Everything That Has A Beginning, Has An End
THE BOYS (S1E7+8) “The Self Preservation Society” & “You Found Me”: Everything That Has A Beginning, Has An End

Despite some early objections, The Boys turned out to be a pretty terrific show that exceeded initial expectations and then some.

THE BOYS (S1E5+6) "Good for the Soul" & "The Innocents": Time to Face the Music
THE BOYS (S1E5+6) “Good For The Soul” & “The Innocents”: Time To Face The Music

As we head into the final two episodes, we have relationships on the verge of collapse, secrets to be exposed and a target on the Boys’ backs. Whatever happens next, it’s sure to be bloody.

THE BOYS (S1E4) “The Female of the Species”: She Ain’t No Spice Girl

Coming off the heels of an episode that re-shaped The Boys’ narrative for the better, “The Female of the Species” is another strong hour of television.

THE BOYS (S1E3) "Get Some": Speed Demons
THE BOYS (S1E3) “Get Some”: Speed Demons

After some false starts, The Boys’ “Get Some” solidifies the mission statement of the show, pushes our established characters in new directions and broadens the scope of the world.

SUPERVIZED: Justice Beleaguered
SUPERVIZED: Justice Beleaguered

Despite enormous potential, Supervized misses the mark and makes fun of its subjects instead of making something memorable. Adam Mock reviews.


Spider-Man: Far From Home has all the right stuff, tinkering with the superhero formula and reshaping what we’ve come to expect.

X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX: A False Force Of Destruction
X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX: A False Force Of Destruction

With audiences expectations through the roof, Dark Phoenix’s climatic conclusion is a forgettable blockbuster.

BRIGHTBURN: A Twisted Take On The Superhero Genre

Brightburn is a fun and thrilling experience that’s bolstered by a unique narrative and chilling performances.

The Post-ENDGAME Spin-Off We Need Right Now
The Post-ENDGAME Spin-Off We Need Right Now

With so many new stories to tell in the wake of the climactic Endgame, it’s more important than ever for Marvel to consider who those stories are about.

How One Avengers Deleted Scene Shows The Central Flaw Of The MCU
How One Avengers Deleted Scene Shows The Central Flaw Of The MCU

The MCU is undoubtedly a success, both with fans and critics alike, yet there is one major flaw running through many of them: a rushed pace and overblown action.