Sasquatch is a miniseries that you really need to experience, as each of the clues uncovered adds more to the intrigue of this long, strange trip.
Formula 1: Drive to Survive S3E9 is an exhilarating experience that can charge anyone up and make them want to aggressively work towards their goals.
Allen v. Farrow – from the first episode to the last – has been an exercise in biased reporting, never representing both sides of the argument.
Slaxx offers plenty of fun and amusing gory moments with a heartfelt story showcasing the evils of the fashion industry.
We spoke with the very talented cinematographer of Lucky, a new horror-satire, Julia Swain.
The United States vs. Billie Holiday is multilayered and nuanced in its messaging, brought to life on the strong performance of Andra Day.
Full of unfunny human characters and a plot that doesn’t even involve its iconic animal characters, Tom & Jerry is a gross miscalculation.
I Care A Lot suffers from a tonal shift, is still prevalent enough that the film is entertaining and enlightening all the way through.
Judas and the Black Messiah is a nuanced film that slowly peels back its layers, revealing a depth that will resonate for years to come.
PG: Psycho Goreman may become a cult film favorite with its quotable lines, an imaginative cast of fantastical characters, and irreverent attitude.
Framing Britney Spears may not be the best documentary of 2021, but it sure to become the most relevant and vital in the fight for freedom and equality.
This is a series that shows its cards right in the title; it’s about the hunt. And it’s an unforgettable one.
Locked Down was definitely a surprise success, delivering unsuspecting nostalgia and examining the freedom of anarchy.
With History of Swear Words, Netflix delivers entertainment and knowledge regarding those naughty words that have morphed throughout the years.
Castle Freak is an interesting update to a familiar horror film, and manages to add more of the Lovecraftian influence back into the world.