Pam & Tommy’s “The Master Beta” contains a gut-wrenching ending, the perceived actions of Pamela and Tommy justified in the pain and agony of the moment.
While the series does find its slower moments in episode three, the performances of these two alone are the driving force to return for more.
Inventing Anna is an engaging and mesmerizing story of exploration, desperation, psychology, and redemption. A Binge-worthy venture.
There is much to take in when watching, its final reveal an unsuspecting twist, yet seemingly not as powerful in retrospect as one would have hoped.
Coupled with strong performances and talent behind the camera, All of Us Are Dead is a binge-worthy venture.
Thus far, Marvel and Disney’s Hawkeye is proving to be an entertaining romp that doesn’t feel as bound by the MCU timeline.
From the very first frame, Netflix’s live action Cowboy Bebop takes its shot at Shinichirō Watanabe’s classic anime and misses.
With the finale, it seemed the pieces had lined up for a swift blow of justice, though as viewers will learn, it is never as easy as it seems.
The Feast is a well-crafted film, boasting exquisite shots that deserve their place in horror recognition, but the story itself drags it down.
In its final episodes, I Know What You Did Last Summer is able to reestablish the firm commitment it has promised at the series’ beginning.
Dopesick is rapidly reaching its conclusion, “Black Box Warning” not only began to deliver the final punches, but began to bring closure to some.
The years are drawing closer and closer as Hulu’s Dopesick brings viewers one episode closer to the court case it has been building too.
The episode delivers its most brutal and graphic kill to date, coupled with a further dive into horror classics with a House of Wax feel.
While the purpose of What If? may be to prime the fanbase for multiverse madness, its secondary function is one of image and branding.
Dopesick’s “Whistleblower” is an impactful episode, dedicated to bringing this dramatic recreation to life to draw empathy and understanding.