Star Wars
Moment to moment The Mandalorian is a quick show but on an episode to episode basis it’s exceptionally slow.
Many of the best movie trailers out there follow a specific formula; here, we analyze this formula in relation to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
The Mandalorian isn’t the best thing on TV right now by a large margin, but as a Star Wars series, as a show for casual viewing there’s nothing wrong with it.
We break down six scenes from the original Star Wars trilogy to understand audience’s attatchment to Luke Skywalker, the classic protagonist who goes on a transformational journey to defeat evil.
Fantasy and sci-fi films push our suspension of disbelief regularly – but can we complain about them being unrealistic if this is pushed too far?
With half of their films on hold and the other half delayed, where is Disney taking Star Wars from here?
The view on the 1990s Star Wars prequels is synonymous with hubris, failure, and shoddy filmmaking, that is until Disney came into the picture and changed the image completely with its latest additions to the franchise Rogue One and Solo.
Too heavy in its fan service at times, Solo: A Star Wars Story is not a terrible Star Wars entry, with enough fun moments to please.
With unflinching backlash and polarizing reviews between fans and critics, Star Wars: The Last Jedi has found little favor among the masses – but was this the fault of the storyteller or the company behind the film who always plays it safe.
If you are looking for the best film of the saga, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is not the film you are looking for.
Despite initial scepticism, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a vividly presented and brilliantly executed standalone Star Wars film.